Friday, December 21, 2007

Pictures and Whatnot

Well, now that I have finally taken the time to retrieve my password (and hopefully remember it) here are some pictures from Christmas Concerts, which went very well. The pictures are of three of the scenes set up around the gym, each of which does one freeze frame per song for the first bit of the concert.

I also played portions of Handel's Messiah for the music department chair's church (yay getting paid!!!) and in the Christmas concert for the church I attend.
I'm now back home and am very happy to be so. :) I've been busy making Christmas presents for the past three days, and having fun learning photostudio. :)
Finals went well, and I especially enjoyed the Pirates of the Caribbean marathon I did with some friends (and I finally got to live up to the college student image of wasting time yes!!!!! - those of you planning on college, fyi if you want good grades, the stories about being able to totally goof off aren't true except after all your finals are done. Oh wait, all my friends are either athletes or musicians, maybe that's where all the rumored goof off time goes. Anyway...)

Since I doubt I'll post again before Christmas... and doubt many of you will read it before then:


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Security Problems

I am sorry to announce a security breach in this blog. A spy infiltrated the network and altered the blog. Fear not, this spy has been identified and subdued. You may all go to sleep peacefully knowing that we have once again restored safety and security to this place.


I know you all think this is always Levi posting but today I got ahold of his password ha ha ha yes
this will not last to long but I still blogged once so remember that yes ha ha
I rule ya I absolutely rule yes
I have to save it before Levi finds out so farewell
my dear hated people you will all perish under me

Friday, December 14, 2007

Tristan's House

So I am sitting here on the couch in the log house here at Duvall. For dinner we ate some delicious burritos and then ate some fabulous pie. Oh, we also watched Spider-Man 3. It is a pretty intense movie and Tristan and I both agree that Peter Parker is the worst possible example of how to win a girl.

Tristan has something to add to this.
Yeah, he was pretty much the biggest jerk ever. I didn't really like the movie 'cause it was really frustrating with Peter saying pretty much the worst thing you could say at the worst times. The symbiote, Venom, was pretty awesome how it crawls along the ground. But I liked the over all outcome of it. We played table tennis. I pretty much creamed Levi. He has hardly any hand-eye coordination. I felt sorry for him. It was sad.

Amphimortal, I know who you are, you know who I am. We both don't want our names said. Are we in agreement? Good.

It is getting to the time of Christmas. It is therefore necessary to address this topic. Certain Christmas decorations are vital to enjoying the Christmas season such as: Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas stockings and Christmas music is also an essential building block to this unique holiday. What kinds of lights you may ask? I will start with exterior lighting first. The traditional red, white and green is desirable. But if you want to be different there is the combination of red, blue and white. For the Christmas tree only white is acceptable; nothing fancy. For the issue of Christmas trees: I prefer the 6 ft. Douglas Fir. Stockings: It is good to have a nice red and white stocking. preferably with the person's name on it. Tacky phrases like "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", or "Christmas Wishes" are extremely cheesy and will not be appreciated by the younger children and youth. Trust me. Well, that is my advice for now, so I will talk to you all later.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

He he he (evil chuckle)

Oh yeah! Team Infinity (8) completes the races with an overall standing of 5th and by far the coolest looking car in the entire competition.

(Nick, Levi, Larry, Justin)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Break! (Not Winter Break)

Oh yeah! One more week until I am going home. Next week I only have two classes. One is a math final on Tuesday and then a presentation on our mouse trap car on Thursday.I fly home Saturday and then I plan to do some serious hanging out/partying/reunions/chill/ect...
On a semi different note, yesterday was beautiful up here and the view from the Library over the bay was inspiring.
I have to say that college life is both extremely stressful and wonderful at the same time. You are surrounded by people all the time who all are studying but at the same time all of them are ready to have a good time. The open arms of the christian guys here was wonderful. I have made some close friends with them and I couldn't even imagine what this year would have been like without them. They were definitely a blessing from God. The quarter has had its ups and downs but in the end I got very good grades and it has been very rewarding.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

LAME! No one is posting comments!

The Tradition

Okay, so I am about to tell you about the wildest thing I have ever done in my life! First off I need a disclaimer. All things said below are protected under the copyright laws and are illegal for distribution. Do not tell other people! This is secret (and that is why I am posting it on a public Internet blog?)

So last night was the annual Tradition run. This is where a bunch of guys from Edens and Higginson meet and run through campus at 9:00 PM at night screaming and yelling. Then we hike to the observation tower on Seahome Hill and yell for a minute straight. (it is a stress reliever for finals week)

Now you might say that that is not so bad or embarrassing or even wild and you would be right. But what if I tell you that we do all of this while wearing nothing but a loin cloth? That is right. Last night I ran through campus wearing a towel as a loin cloth. I agree, it is really weird and definitely not something I would normally do. I guess you could say there was a lot of peer pressure involved and the stress probably had something to do with it.

Needless to say I am not going to post any pictures of this event! Even if I wanted to I could not get any photos. The event is very secret and is only known about by personal invitation. The reason for secrecy is if people knew they would be waiting with cameras and it is already embarrassing enough, even without having photos of ourselves all over campus. We all met in Sean's room (my CORE leader) and put on our towels and took off everything else, (except shoes). Then we sprinted out the front of the dorm, being both incredibly self conscious and, at the same time, filled with exhilaration at our own nerve! Oh, it was really cold. I mean, really really cold. It is Dec. 5 at 9:00 at night in a northern state and I was basically naked!

Well, that is the story of the wildest, most embarrassing thing I have ever done in my life.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dorm Room~

So somebody asked to see pics of my dorm room. Here they are.

This is of my room from the front door. I have the right side of the room.

A view from the back of the room looking out the front door.
My desk and closet are the left ones.

My sweet desk with my sweet computer with my sweet fridge and bed. Notice the neat placement of fridge next to bed!


(this post was writting on DEC 1st but I couldnt get my photos uploaded until now)

Last night I went to 'midnight sing' where a bunch of people gathered in Red Square at Midnight and we sang Worship songs and Christmas Carols. At 1:00am (Dec. 1) it began to snow! Let me just say my feet were FREEZING! I WAS FREEZING!

So I woke up this morning at 11:00 and there was over 2 inches of snow on the ground. It is still snowing and when you walk through campus it is totally silent. All you can hear is the falling of snow. It's still snowing quite hard and by this evening there will be over 4 inches. Yippee!

A few photos of the campus.

So far, I have started about six snowball wars and have gone sliding down the road on cardboard. Christmas time (with snow) is quite fun. Okay, okay, it is amazing! To all you down in warm California, you have my pity at your lack of seasons.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Anyone Into Construction?

Here is my completed room... Hope your jealous, hehehe!!!
P.S- Please post comments on the #57Blog!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

God is Amazing!

In my last post I told you how I had a lot of stressful things coming up and how I was sick. I received a call from my mother yesterday telling me how there was a group of people praying for the college students during this time.
Today, I woke up and my sore throat is almost completely gone. I feel alive and ready to live. Thank you so much for your prayer and glory to God for His unending love and care.

Also, my speech was today and even though I didn't feel as comfortable as I would have liked, the speech went okay. So now I am done with Comm 101, except for a small paper on my improvements in speaking. Yippee!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Finals Week

Tomorrow is my final speech and the coming week there is quite a bit of stuff due. The bad part is that I am sick. It came down on me over the weekend and nothing I did could stop it. I have been taking so many vitamins it is scary. Nothing helps. I now have a really scratchy throat that hurts every time I swallow and it hurts to talk. Kind of the lamest thing that could happen this week! The speech isn't the bad part since it is only a few minutes. The hard part about this is that I don't feel very good and so I don't want to study or work on stuff. That isn't so bad except I have a lot of big items due this week as well as next.

Final Speech
Final Math Exam
Build and Race Mouse trap car.
Presentation on Car
Final Personal Project Report

Anyhow, any prayer for health would be appreciated.

Friday, November 30, 2007

To Amaphimortal

I changed some wording on your post because ocelot61 doesn't want her real name to be used for Internet privacy and security purposes. Just letting you know.
GURs are General University Requirements. They are a group of certain classes that every student must take to graduate. For example, I am required to take Eng 101, Chem 101 or Bio 101 and Math 114 or higher. These are just a few of the required ones. Most people will exceed the GURs in certain areas(for me, math) but in others they wouldn't take any if it were not a requirement. The idea of GURs is to make sure you get a broader spectrum of learning, not just math or only English. DIVERSITY!

One more thing, I don't know why but for some reason we cant leave comments on your posts. You have some setting on that turns it off. Try to fix it.

ETEC 110

So as some of you know, this ETEC class has been very time consuming and hard. It has also been very enjoyable and rewarding at times. So, cutting to the chase since that is all you people really care about anyway, today I finished the assembly drawings for the mouse trap car and it looks totally sweet!
So here is a photo of the assembly drawing of Team Infinity's Mouse Trap Car. (this is a copyrighted drawing so stealing is prohibited.)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Palomar College

Thanks Ocelot61... I'll do some research, what are GUR's?
No thanks to the others... sorry if you lost any work... NOT!!!! LOL
...No propaganda on this post...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Got Prayer?

As finals week approaches I need prayer. This is the first time I have ever experienced something like this and I am really overwhelmed. I have an exam tomorrow, a project design Friday that I don't know how to do, I have a final speech on Monday, another final exam next Wednesday and then the following Friday there is a boatload of ETEC assignments due! I really need prayer. I really really need to have more time. I know it is possible but as the day drags on and I get more tired all I want to do is go to bed and cry. I have some large assignment or big test every other day. HELP!


This is the week when I remember just what it means when the uninitiated look at you and say "you're crazy" and the people with a bit of understanding tease, "the music department owns your soul." (No kidding!!!) I still don't have pictures, but the concerts are going well. It's amazing how beautiful a few sets and lights and costumes can make a gym. One of the songs is especially gorgeous: A few songs before, they used a fog machine, so the swirling smoke drifts lazily in the room. The lights have faded completely to black, save the dim overhead yellow spot slipping through the gloom to touch the conductor's score. Scattered through the audience, a few dozen black-clad figures let their voices float on the haunting melody as a slowly brightening light reflects from a mirrored ball suspended high above the middle of the room, scattering slow-dancing, twisting beams of golden brightness through the rippling fog. "Lux Calida... the warm soft light shines on the blessed mother and her child..." What a thing to ponder as we prepare for this Christmas season - the light of the glory of God stealing softly over the manger of the Son of God, where "all the fullness of the Deity dwells in bodily form."

In other news, it took me two hours to clean my room this afternoon. :D

Monday, November 26, 2007

Well, I do have a camera!

I unlike poor ocelot61 do have a camera and as such, I will cover for both of us until she gets one.

The 9th Annual Cranberry Sauce Bowl Soccer Tournament was a blast and I got a friend to send me some pictures of the event.
Whew! It is muddy!


If I had a camera...

I would post pics like Levi. I would show you pictures of how our gym has become a Christmas Concerts stage - all down the sides where teh bleachers normally are, there are now small stages with beautiful scenery of winter and toy shops and such. There are stage lights hanging from the steel rafters dozens of feet in the air, and all of us in the orchestra spent yesterday evening emptying the music building contents into the gym - 41 chairs, 30-some music stands, dozens of stand lights, extension cords and power strips. All the pianos except for the single bad piano in practice room L have been transported to the gym, and I got special entry into Doc's office to get all the orchestral music to put into folders for the hired professionals. (It took longer to figure out that the music was locked up in his office than to actually distribute it.) I'm so excited for concerts tomorrow, but your prayers would also be appreciated, because this will be an exhausting week - I have a five hour rehearsal tonight to start it off with!!! It will be a week of much good music, much fun, much laughter, much crowding as instrumentalists trying to put their cases somewhere safe compete for space with the dozens of girls in hoop skirts in the locker room converted to dressing room, crowding around the tiny warped mirrors to touch up stage makeup, and shouts of warning as some poor guys don't realize that girls' dressing room MEANS girls dressing room and just want to get outside by the shortest route... 'twil be fun, 'twil be exhausting, and hopefully the result of all the chaos will come to an ordered musical display of the glory of God. And just maybe somebody will take pictures I can post....

EDIT: I will do my best to obtain a camera. If you want to come to the concert, well, I think most tickets are sold out and they're also expensive, but I believe that you can check my school's website for ticket info or talk to my mom...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

To the Antidisestablishmentarianist

You don't have my correct email address because I am not getting anything. So find out the correct address from someone who knows! Quit leaving comments about it because I will just keep deleting them.

Campus Photos

Here are a few more photos of WWU Campus. If you click on them they become bigger.
This is a view from the front steps of my dorm looking out over the water.

The main administrative building from near my dorm. This is Old Main, the original building here at WWU.

Thanksgiving Break

Wednesday-Sunday free from school.
I have forgotten how nice it is to not have assignments due every day and how nice it is to have family around.

T-Day was lots of fun. We ate the usual: Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, gravy, green beans, oh and pie. Although I wasn't able to have a pie eating contest because they only had one pie! It was kinda of sad. But other than that, we played lots of games: concentration, my ship carries and charades.
Saturday afternoon Tristan and I went to the 9th annual Cranberry Sauce Bowl. We played soccer in the mud for 3 hours and it was amazing. I was so dirty and sore. Today, I have trouble walking around and I think I either bruised a bone or strained a muscle in my foot. Here is a photo of Tristan and I after the event showing off our dirtiness.

Saturday night I went out with all my older cousins to dinner and then we went over to one of their homes and watch Ratatouille. It was 1:30am by the time I got home.
It is freezing up here. At the Deniet's Friday morning it was 18 degrees and there was snow on the ground. When I tried to open my car door it was frozen shut!

Back to School

Sunday is kind of sad. I go through it knowing that tomorrow I have to go back to school. Thanksgiving was great and I have many things to tell about. But first I must clear up some things.

First, this blog is serious. I am not saying it is not fun, I am saying that it will be about real matters and events. I tell you all this because there seems to be a lot of jokes and hot air blown around in the comments, but I wanted to reassure everyone that the posts will be relevant and real. You can read the comments if you want to split your sides laughing.

Second, I have given certain people the ability and priviledge of being able to create posts for this blog. These people, as of now are Amaphimortal and Ocelot61. I was asked to use these names as opposed to real ones, not for secrecy, but for security reasons, for identity theft and so on. I wanted to inform you all of this so that if you read a post that doesn't sound like my writing you are not too confused. Also, at the bottom of the posts, it will tell you who wrote it and when, in case you can't figure it out.

Anyway, I have some photos of my break and so as soon as I can borrow a cord from a neighbor I will load them to my PC and upload them.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

No-Shave November

In the month of November here at WWU, there is a tradition that I have chosen to follow. It is this. You don't shave during November. Guys don't shave their faces and girls don't shave their legs. Now, I think that most people don't participate but my CORE went for it wholeheartedly. So for the last 3 weeks I have not been shaving. I have a nice beard now but there were certain complications with T-Day coming.
If I went to thanks giving with my beard then my Aunt would make it her sole duty to come up with as many jokes about it as she could. SO to avoid that issue, I shaved yesterday. Now I was not the only one. After dinner yesterday a group of 5 guys met in Jessie's room for a very serious event. We had a beard shaving party! It was both painful and enjoyable at the same time. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to shave when you have a beard that is three weeks out? It hurts if you try to go fast. So it took me about 15min to shave. Anyway, I have some pre-shave photos.

Left to right: Levi, Jon, Will, Ryan, Jessie.
Bathroom Party!

NO! No, no no!

I just finished writing an entire blog and tried to post it. The page said there was an error and I lost all my work! Ahhhhhhhhh!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Levi invited me to be able to post on this blog and I figured why not since none of you read mine? If you don't know who this is, comment and I can email you to tell you ;-). I'm pretty much having a great week with all my homework done until Monday, now I get to start on getting two weeks ahead so Christmas concerts don't kill me yaaaaay!!!! I don't really know what to blog about either, so I think I'll copy Levi and say if you have anythign you want me to talk about, just let me know. Hmm what's something more interesting than just saying hi? Oh I know!!! I'm currently creating a language... yep, in my linguistics class, there's a group project where I work with five other people to completely create a language from the ground up. Coolest part about it: the langauge has no verbs!!! :D (and yes, it actually works - we have waht are called verb markers, the "t" sound, so that when we need a verb, we take a related noun and mark it as a verb, so "to write" is "tpen" it's so much fun finding ways that nouns and verbs relate. :) okay friends, ask me questions :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

What did I do today?

Listing the things I did today by order of time.

7:00am Alarm went off (my alarm is my iPod so it plays music.)

8:30am Got up out of bed after falling back asleep to the peaceful music of Linkin Park.

8:45am Took a shower and used Head & Shoulders Shampoo for the first time in 4 months. Looked at email, checked calender, consumed walnuts, almonds and cashews as well as some grapefruit juice and my mothers lovely vitamins.

10:00am Math class, We went over a cool subject today. Solving triangles trigonometricaly. So now, if I am lost on a mountain. I can find how high above sea level I am if I know the angle from sea level to me and how far away a certain point is that is at sea level. Oh, I also need a graphing calculator.

11:00am Went to Martial arts class and learned new throw for when shaking someones hand. Very very very cool. So next time I meet someone and I don't like how they shake hands, I can throw them to the ground or if I really don't like them, I could go really fast and break their wrist.

12:00pm Communications 101. Listened to 5 people give speeches on rather boring topics. My IA (Instructor Assistant but really my teacher) (he is awesome by the way) talked to me about my speech and basically said that I need to be more persuasive in my write up.

1:10pm Ate lunch with dudes.

2:00pm Meet with my advisor and talked about next quarters classes.

Afternoon spent doing home work, calling people, looking at my email every 15min or so, just in case someone sent me a really important email and generally being semi distracted until Dinner.

6:00pm Dinner (I will describe dinners later)

7:00pm I had an amazing burst of productivity and completed most of my math homework, studied for my quiz and modeled some parts on the computer.

8:00pm CORE (I will tell more about this in a later post)

9:30pm Late night (I will also tell about later)

11:00pm Finished math homework while in a lounge and then talked to a girl on my floor while untangling the most amazingly complicated ball of yarn every envisioned by man. Except for that knot that the Persian dudes had until Alexander diced it up.

12:00am Type on blog when I should be in bed.

Ahhhhhhhh! Oh no! This Can't Be Happening!

Ha ha! Did I made you look! You thought this was going to be something bad didn't you? And so with that knowledge you choose to read on so that you could find out what kind of agony I was going through and then revel in my pain! Oh the misery of knowing that that is all you care about. sniff sniff...

Now that that is over, I guess I will try to write about something. I do have to say that I am running out of things to write about so here is my newest old idea. First, people start leaving comments and if you want me to write about a certain event, idea, policy or belief ect... Then ask me to do so in your comment.
Two things on that. First, this makes it somewhat of a request option so if I don't write about your requested topic, don't get angry. Second, please leave some form of identification on your comments so that I can differentiate. It does not have to be your name. It could be a code name.

Okay, that is all for now. Chow!!

The speed of time?

How do you measure time? Sometimes it flies while others it seems to drag on for ages. Take last week for example. It was only four class days for me but it seemed like 16 days. Where as tonight, I was talking to some people in a lounge after dinner around 7:30 and before I new it, it was 11:54!
Actually I have to ask myself what I am doing typing this post at 12:30 at night when I have class tomorrow? Very foolish. So goodnight.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

The reason for comments.

You are all aware that there is the ability to leave a comment on each of the different posts. Now I realize that many of you are parasitical readers who use my blog as entertainment but give nothing back. I despise that! Leacher's!
Here I am spending my time trying to write interesting things for you to read and you do not even spend the time to say something in return.
So you should leave comments so that you do not fall into the lowly parasitical category.
Oh, another reason to leave posts is so that I know who is reading them so that I can then write about things that would interest you. Also, it is a great way to ask me to add a certain element to the blog. Like a post of sports or food, or maybe a picture of something.

So the point is that you should all leave comments that have 3 things in them.
1. They should be funny or interesting or worthy of posting. Not a "LOL...that is cool!"
2. There should be some sign of identification such as a signature or posting name. ie. Amiphimortal or Andy's name at the end of his. If you want to be secret about who is posting that is fine.
3. They should have words in them.

That is it! So now you know how to be a great contributing member to the blog. Good luck.

Make sure to check out all the new posts!

More Mouse Trap Car Photos

Left to Right, Nick, Levi, Larry. Justin is the other member of the team but he is taking the photo.
Starting line for the Tractor Pull. Justin and Levi.


Ninja Vikings have the strongest following so Pirates beware.
Oh, they are also the best!

Friday, November 16, 2007


I just completed my modeling for the 'personal project' in ETEC 110. The requirement was to design and model a protective carrying case for a Nintendo DS Lite. They gave you a list of requirements that it had to have and a list of items that it would be nice to have. So I have been working on this for quite some time and today I finished the part assembly. I still have to do write up, documentation, lists and dimensioned drawings but the modeling is done. Yipee!

Here is a screen shot of my finished case.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I have become a vegetarian. (for one week)
So I decided that I wouldn't eat any meat this week in preparation for Turkey Day! Do you realize how hard it is to find food in the dining hall that has no meat! This week I have eaten rice and bean burritos, pasta, salad, (wanna be) fruit and cookies.
I have been eating about 1/3 of the normal amount of calories that I normally eat. That could be the reason for my low energy this week. (What an amazing idea!)
Oh well, next week I am going to eat myself silly!

Depression vs. Elation

So I am not sure if I have told you already but school has turned me from a relatively easy tempered guy into a 'manic depressive'.

I am not kidding. Some days, I will get a low homework load, understand the material or do well on a test or speech and I will feel amazing. Like nothing can go wrong and life is worth singing about.

On other days (this can be right after a great day) I may have a lot of work due, not understand the material (AT ALL) or get a poor test grade back and I feel like crying. I just want to go home and not have to deal with it anymore.

Let me just state that this is really hard on your mental and physical health.
I don't know how to handle it and it destroys my immune system. I have been sick once and three times I could feel a cold coming on. But my dear mother sent up a boat load of vitamins so I have been able to defeat it before it rises. (hee hee evil laugh)

Today is one of the bad days. I only got 6 hours of sleep last night and I did not understand the math homework. I was up until 1:00am last night trying to do it and then got up at 7:00 to work some more. By 10:00 (class time) I began to understand some and so I was able to turn in my homework. The problem is that tomorrow is a quiz on that material. Ugh!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Some people wanted to know what classes I am taking.
This Quarter I am taking the following classes.

Math 118-Accelerated Pre-Calculus

Comm 101-Intro to Public Speaking

ETEC 110-Engineering Design Graphics I

PE-Intro to Martial Arts

The classes are good but I am having trouble in the math. The comm class is a lot of fun and I promise I will get a photo of my 'sweet' self up here soon.

PE is pretty sweet and I am learning about falls, submission holds, strangles, personal weapons and take down maneuvers.

ETEC is a lot of work but I enjoy it. We are building the mouse trap car in that class as mentioned in an earlier blog as well as learning some CAD; Computer Aided Design.

This is a screen shot of the work I did today. It took me approximately 3 hours.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


If you want me to keep posting things then you need to do your part and leave interesting comments. I am not going to keep posting if I don't get any feedback. Also, leave a comment if you want me to add something to the blog.

Monday, November 12, 2007

WWU Campus

I had a few more requests for photos of the Campus here. So here are a few to start.
You can click on the photo to make it bigger.

I live in one of the nicest dorms on campus. Edens South is the original dorm here at WWU and is all brick. I live on the 3rd (the 2nd set of windows you can see) floor and it is pretty sweet.

Red Square is the center of Campus and it always has people in it. This time of year, the fountain is empty so it won't freeze and it is cold out so not that many people are around. But on any warm day there are at least 70 people at any one time.

Bad News

Sunday afternoon, there were 7 police cars and 2 paramedics outside my dorm. On my floor they had closed off a room with caution tape and Police were everywhere.

I found out this morning that a Senior named Nick who was living in a room about 10 doors down, died. They do not know how he died but they have confirmed that it was not foul play or suicide. As of now, the entire dorm is subdued and everyone seems rather depressed.

The hardest part for me is that I didn't even know him. I don't have any emotional ties to him and so the grief is not that bad. But it is strange that he is gone. I do have a few friends who knew him very well and it is really hard for them. One girl, lost her mother to brain cancer last August and now that this has happened she is nearing a nervous break down.

I am telling you all this, not so you will worry but so you will keep these people in your prayers.

Thank you


Fall camp 07

So, backtracking a little bit. Three weeks ago, I went to CCF Fall Camp. This is the annual christian camp put on by CCF (Campus Christian Fellowship). I went with my core and it was awesome. Other than being a time of spiritual growth, it was a time where I bonded with the other guys in my core. There was a speaker who spoke on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning. Between these sessions we had time to study, play games like basketball and Tackle Ultimate Frisbee(one of the coolest games ever!), or just talk and laugh. By the end of the week end, my abs hurt, I had been laughing so much.

Sunday afternoon as we were getting ready to head out, we took a picture with our CORE.

Eating Dinner Saturday Evening.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


I had a request for LOTS of photos. Also, it was requested that I post pics of some friends I have up here. So here are a few to start. I can't post a pic of every one of my friends because I am such a socialite that it would be way too many people. :)

This is Jon Pennington. He is my closest friend up here. His mother is a diplomat in Korea but he lived for quite a while in Russia. He can speak Russian pretty well and I hang out with him a lot. We are both training to become ninjas.

Jessie Hinde is one of the leaders of my CORE, the small men's bible study that meets in our dorm. He is very funny and is a math wizard! I find it hard to describe Jessie, only that he has a great imagination.

Let's just say that these past weeks, my stomach muscles have been very sore from laughing so much.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Mouse Trap Car Racing

Today was our first race for Team Infinity. We competed with a Carbon Fiber Car in three events. Distace, speed and tractor pull. It was awesome and we placed pretty high in the speed and distance.
Speed 3rd out of 15
Distance 3rd out of 15
Tractor pull 4th, tied with 13 others at 0 in.
Over all Place of 5th

Here are some pics of the Race, before and after shots.
Our car was so light and "sweet" that it tore itself apart because of its power.

A new one!

So I decided to start a blog again and I promise that I wont delete this one this time.
I found I can post pictures here so that is pretty sweet.
