Friday, October 17, 2008


Greek test this morning...I studied for 4 hours last night, staying up until midnight and then got up at 6am and studied until 7:50 at which point I went to take the exam. It went really well. It was a fill in the blank with a name or word, 52 questions and I had no problem answering all but 5. So even if I get those wrong, I still get a very nice grade. I am a little tired though.

So here are some questions from the test. You write in the names.
1. What was the name of the man who was dragged to death by his chariot?
2. What deity was the Peacock associated with?
3. What is the name of the creature with a thousand eyes that guarded Io?

I am learning how to do shadows and shading in drawing now. It looks really cool, just a huge amount of time. I did some drawings of electric drills yesterday and once I scan them into a computer, I will post them for you to see.

Jon (my roommate) is a great roommate. We have the same class in the morning so we both get up at the same time and usually go to bed around the same time. I really couldn't ask for a better roommate. It is going to be sad having him leave at the end of this quarter.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Okay, so tonight was pretty amazing. As some of you know, God has been growing me this year in trusting in Him. It has been very stressful and amazing at the same time.
So tonight we watched this movie and it was amazing. The message of the movie was so pertinent to me and I would recommend it to everyone. It is a christian movie about a high school football coach who is having problems with almost every aspect of his life and how he turns to God and God provides. Very emotional.

So, go watch, 'Facing the Giants'.
(and let me know what you think)