Monday, November 19, 2007

The speed of time?

How do you measure time? Sometimes it flies while others it seems to drag on for ages. Take last week for example. It was only four class days for me but it seemed like 16 days. Where as tonight, I was talking to some people in a lounge after dinner around 7:30 and before I new it, it was 11:54!
Actually I have to ask myself what I am doing typing this post at 12:30 at night when I have class tomorrow? Very foolish. So goodnight.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay the time warp of college!!! This semester has gone a whole lot faster for me than did last year's. I can hardly believe it's almost over - 3 weeks 'til finals!!! Oh wait I have Christmas concerts between then Ahhhhhhh!!! :D