Friday, February 19, 2010


As you may have seen, writings on this blog have been few and far between these last few months and so I asked myself the reason. There seems to be a lack of interest in writing but more importantly it is a weakness I have. I am not very good and maintaining friendships with people I don't normally hang out with. That basically means I don't call friends who are not in the same area as I am. Sad...I know. Thus I have come up with an easy 4 goal system to remedy the situation.

Goal #1:
Be more consistent at maintaining contact with people who I don't interact with regularly.

Goal #2:
Stay in contact with friends from back home.

Goal #3:
Talk to friends and family who are not in Bellingham on a more consistent basis.

Goal #4:
Encourage other people to help me in the previous 3 goals by having them email and call me...(hint)

By following this simple four goal system I will achieve what I lack. And if you call now you could win a free poster with the 4 goal system all for your own. ;)

Okay, so I should really get going with the rest of this beautiful Friday. Sunny and warm and only 3 afternoon classes. Hope your day is going well and may the Lord bless you.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Silver Star

Wow I have not posted on this in...well a long time. I will not make excuses, just say that the desire to write here has not been strong enough to overcome the other things. Anyhow I have decided to write now but I am not going to become overwhelmed with trying to tell everything I have been doing.
Quick recap, school started this quarter. Its going well although the computer programing class is very difficult. Otherwise classes are going well. Taking engineering electronics, pc programing, business law and moral philosophy.
I'm leading a core in Nash with Will Peterson. It is really enjoyable and rewarding. It also makes me very busy.
Living in the North Star is also going well. I could say pages on the living situation but I don't feel like writing about it now so...I am really enjoying it.

This last weekend was Valentines day and Bryce Mitchell and I went on our second annual Valentine weekend ski trip. We went with two others, Britney Wight and Dan Hancock to Silver Star Canada. It was pretty sweet. There were a ton of Australians there. I skied Saturday but only part of Sunday do to my knee hurting pretty bad.
I would upload a bunch of pictures but I am on a school pc so I don't have them. Here is a link to my face book page where I have photos of the trip.
