Thursday, April 10, 2008

Roland Fryer-Economist

Today I went to a lecture by Roland Fryer and very well know economist that introduced the controversial incentives program in the New York public school system a few months ago. It was facinating and I cant even begin to tell you all the interesting things he said. Just know that you should all keep an eye on this man and if you get the chance, listen to him. His backgournd and views are very interesting and his stand on reforming public education could save the US or at least will have some radical changes.

Sorry that I havent postes in a while, school has been crazy! I have been totally overburdend with things to do. It should calm down a little bit. So I am catain of two different intramural soccer teams as well as on a team for the Ultimate Viking Championship. A campus wide activity that is kind of like the TV show American Gladiator with teams of 4 people. I will post pics of it soon. The event is this Monday.

Classes are quite busy and I have definelty had my hands full, not that they still arent.

Okay, more stuff soon.