Friday, November 30, 2007

To Amaphimortal

I changed some wording on your post because ocelot61 doesn't want her real name to be used for Internet privacy and security purposes. Just letting you know.
GURs are General University Requirements. They are a group of certain classes that every student must take to graduate. For example, I am required to take Eng 101, Chem 101 or Bio 101 and Math 114 or higher. These are just a few of the required ones. Most people will exceed the GURs in certain areas(for me, math) but in others they wouldn't take any if it were not a requirement. The idea of GURs is to make sure you get a broader spectrum of learning, not just math or only English. DIVERSITY!

One more thing, I don't know why but for some reason we cant leave comments on your posts. You have some setting on that turns it off. Try to fix it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Levi,
I dont like people commenting... uhhh not a problem
CHao for NOW!!!!- MOrtals

Anonymous said...

Hey Could we see some pics of Dec. 1st snows on the Western Campus?