Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First Day of Classes

So I am back to classes. I know it is sad that I am gone and I realize you are probably pining my absence. But I am very happy to be back. I have my routine again and it is nice to have a schedule and something that challenges my brain again.

I got in yesterday afternoon and my roommate was sleeping. So I left my stuff in the room, spent 15 minutes trying to find a place to park my car and then went to lunch. One thing of note. We watched a movie that evening and then at 11:00pm some guys decided to go to Palamini's (a restaurant in downtown Bellingham that sells Russian Dumplings.) I was roped into going and was designated as driver. So, the point is, it was very fun but I didn't get to bed until 12:30.
This morning I got up at 7:00 and got ready for the day. My roommate and I have opposite schedules so he is usually in class when I am not and visa versa. It is rather nice to wake up and have the room to myself every morning. Anyway, at 8:00 I had my first class, Beginning Weight Training. It should be a good experience, learning how to properly use equipment and so on. Also, it will get my blood flowing and brain working early in the day. Later today I have Psychology, Calculus and Chemistry.

The first day of classes is very slow. Most of the teachers only use about half the time, and spend it talking about how the class will work. So here I sit, with over an hour before my next class. (which will also end early, leaving me with time for lunch)

There was snow on the ground this morning as I went to class. The temperature is fine as long as there is no wind. Once the wind picks up then it is bad. It cuts right through your clothes, dragging the warmth from your very bones.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Its That Time!

As they round the last bend, engines roar tires burn and people cheer! That's right ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. School has returned and with it, it brings new life to this blog. Stay tuned for an amazing new wave of humor, intrigue, action, mystery, and much more. (wow! This sounds really cool)

The newest asset to this blog is...I have found my video cord so I can upload photos when ever I want, instead of having to ask my RA to borrow hers. So that is it, a new start to a new year.

What is your new years resolution, or one that you think would be good. (leave in the comments on this blog entry)

One of my resolutions among others... Try not to be late in two thousand and eight!