Tuesday, November 13, 2007


If you want me to keep posting things then you need to do your part and leave interesting comments. I am not going to keep posting if I don't get any feedback. Also, leave a comment if you want me to add something to the blog.


Anonymous said...

hey dude,
sooo sorry to hear about your dorm mate. And he was almost done with school too. well its great to read about your expiriances and thoughts. i also soo glad to hear that you have found some budds to hangout with. freinds make the world go round. well anyway keep posting!! don't stop. reading your stuff is really entertaining. ok GTG but have a great day and get home soon!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Some great pictures of your campus, your camp, your cool mousetrap race car and your friends!!! Thank you so much. It is wonderful to see your life in faces and places, rather than just words....especially misspelled words!!! :) Just had to throw that in....

Actually, there is a great improvement in your spelling. College must be helping. We are all getting excited for you to come home for Christmas, even though Thanksgiving is next.

I love you,

Anonymous said...

Lewi is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your mom. Your spelling IS improving! ;-) So, how is the best way to save the address for your blog? Or will I just be on the regular mailing list every time you make an entry? Your campus does look beautiful and your dorm looks very collegiate. You sound much happier there now than you did the first couple of weeks.

Mack is finishing up his first quarter. His first final is tomorrow -- Ancient and Medieval European History. He has one more after that and a tryout for an a capella choral group and then he's officially done with first quarter. He will be off until January! Good grief! That's a big hunk of vacation.

I'm helping to write a curriculum on parenting to be taught in Ukraine and eventually Russia, so that's kept me pretty busy the past couple of weeks. I think I may be going to Ukraine in February, but I'm sort of unsure about it. I've never done anything like that before.

Mrs. Everly

Anonymous said...

LOL, nice!! Great to see everyone gathered... Wicked!
Keep up the ninjas mixed vikings!!! SPECIAL PEOPLE RULE!!!