Friday, November 30, 2007

To Amaphimortal

I changed some wording on your post because ocelot61 doesn't want her real name to be used for Internet privacy and security purposes. Just letting you know.
GURs are General University Requirements. They are a group of certain classes that every student must take to graduate. For example, I am required to take Eng 101, Chem 101 or Bio 101 and Math 114 or higher. These are just a few of the required ones. Most people will exceed the GURs in certain areas(for me, math) but in others they wouldn't take any if it were not a requirement. The idea of GURs is to make sure you get a broader spectrum of learning, not just math or only English. DIVERSITY!

One more thing, I don't know why but for some reason we cant leave comments on your posts. You have some setting on that turns it off. Try to fix it.

ETEC 110

So as some of you know, this ETEC class has been very time consuming and hard. It has also been very enjoyable and rewarding at times. So, cutting to the chase since that is all you people really care about anyway, today I finished the assembly drawings for the mouse trap car and it looks totally sweet!
So here is a photo of the assembly drawing of Team Infinity's Mouse Trap Car. (this is a copyrighted drawing so stealing is prohibited.)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Palomar College

Thanks Ocelot61... I'll do some research, what are GUR's?
No thanks to the others... sorry if you lost any work... NOT!!!! LOL
...No propaganda on this post...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Got Prayer?

As finals week approaches I need prayer. This is the first time I have ever experienced something like this and I am really overwhelmed. I have an exam tomorrow, a project design Friday that I don't know how to do, I have a final speech on Monday, another final exam next Wednesday and then the following Friday there is a boatload of ETEC assignments due! I really need prayer. I really really need to have more time. I know it is possible but as the day drags on and I get more tired all I want to do is go to bed and cry. I have some large assignment or big test every other day. HELP!


This is the week when I remember just what it means when the uninitiated look at you and say "you're crazy" and the people with a bit of understanding tease, "the music department owns your soul." (No kidding!!!) I still don't have pictures, but the concerts are going well. It's amazing how beautiful a few sets and lights and costumes can make a gym. One of the songs is especially gorgeous: A few songs before, they used a fog machine, so the swirling smoke drifts lazily in the room. The lights have faded completely to black, save the dim overhead yellow spot slipping through the gloom to touch the conductor's score. Scattered through the audience, a few dozen black-clad figures let their voices float on the haunting melody as a slowly brightening light reflects from a mirrored ball suspended high above the middle of the room, scattering slow-dancing, twisting beams of golden brightness through the rippling fog. "Lux Calida... the warm soft light shines on the blessed mother and her child..." What a thing to ponder as we prepare for this Christmas season - the light of the glory of God stealing softly over the manger of the Son of God, where "all the fullness of the Deity dwells in bodily form."

In other news, it took me two hours to clean my room this afternoon. :D

Monday, November 26, 2007

Well, I do have a camera!

I unlike poor ocelot61 do have a camera and as such, I will cover for both of us until she gets one.

The 9th Annual Cranberry Sauce Bowl Soccer Tournament was a blast and I got a friend to send me some pictures of the event.
Whew! It is muddy!


If I had a camera...

I would post pics like Levi. I would show you pictures of how our gym has become a Christmas Concerts stage - all down the sides where teh bleachers normally are, there are now small stages with beautiful scenery of winter and toy shops and such. There are stage lights hanging from the steel rafters dozens of feet in the air, and all of us in the orchestra spent yesterday evening emptying the music building contents into the gym - 41 chairs, 30-some music stands, dozens of stand lights, extension cords and power strips. All the pianos except for the single bad piano in practice room L have been transported to the gym, and I got special entry into Doc's office to get all the orchestral music to put into folders for the hired professionals. (It took longer to figure out that the music was locked up in his office than to actually distribute it.) I'm so excited for concerts tomorrow, but your prayers would also be appreciated, because this will be an exhausting week - I have a five hour rehearsal tonight to start it off with!!! It will be a week of much good music, much fun, much laughter, much crowding as instrumentalists trying to put their cases somewhere safe compete for space with the dozens of girls in hoop skirts in the locker room converted to dressing room, crowding around the tiny warped mirrors to touch up stage makeup, and shouts of warning as some poor guys don't realize that girls' dressing room MEANS girls dressing room and just want to get outside by the shortest route... 'twil be fun, 'twil be exhausting, and hopefully the result of all the chaos will come to an ordered musical display of the glory of God. And just maybe somebody will take pictures I can post....

EDIT: I will do my best to obtain a camera. If you want to come to the concert, well, I think most tickets are sold out and they're also expensive, but I believe that you can check my school's website for ticket info or talk to my mom...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

To the Antidisestablishmentarianist

You don't have my correct email address because I am not getting anything. So find out the correct address from someone who knows! Quit leaving comments about it because I will just keep deleting them.

Campus Photos

Here are a few more photos of WWU Campus. If you click on them they become bigger.
This is a view from the front steps of my dorm looking out over the water.

The main administrative building from near my dorm. This is Old Main, the original building here at WWU.

Thanksgiving Break

Wednesday-Sunday free from school.
I have forgotten how nice it is to not have assignments due every day and how nice it is to have family around.

T-Day was lots of fun. We ate the usual: Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, gravy, green beans, oh and pie. Although I wasn't able to have a pie eating contest because they only had one pie! It was kinda of sad. But other than that, we played lots of games: concentration, my ship carries and charades.
Saturday afternoon Tristan and I went to the 9th annual Cranberry Sauce Bowl. We played soccer in the mud for 3 hours and it was amazing. I was so dirty and sore. Today, I have trouble walking around and I think I either bruised a bone or strained a muscle in my foot. Here is a photo of Tristan and I after the event showing off our dirtiness.

Saturday night I went out with all my older cousins to dinner and then we went over to one of their homes and watch Ratatouille. It was 1:30am by the time I got home.
It is freezing up here. At the Deniet's Friday morning it was 18 degrees and there was snow on the ground. When I tried to open my car door it was frozen shut!

Back to School

Sunday is kind of sad. I go through it knowing that tomorrow I have to go back to school. Thanksgiving was great and I have many things to tell about. But first I must clear up some things.

First, this blog is serious. I am not saying it is not fun, I am saying that it will be about real matters and events. I tell you all this because there seems to be a lot of jokes and hot air blown around in the comments, but I wanted to reassure everyone that the posts will be relevant and real. You can read the comments if you want to split your sides laughing.

Second, I have given certain people the ability and priviledge of being able to create posts for this blog. These people, as of now are Amaphimortal and Ocelot61. I was asked to use these names as opposed to real ones, not for secrecy, but for security reasons, for identity theft and so on. I wanted to inform you all of this so that if you read a post that doesn't sound like my writing you are not too confused. Also, at the bottom of the posts, it will tell you who wrote it and when, in case you can't figure it out.

Anyway, I have some photos of my break and so as soon as I can borrow a cord from a neighbor I will load them to my PC and upload them.
