Friday, December 21, 2007

Pictures and Whatnot

Well, now that I have finally taken the time to retrieve my password (and hopefully remember it) here are some pictures from Christmas Concerts, which went very well. The pictures are of three of the scenes set up around the gym, each of which does one freeze frame per song for the first bit of the concert.

I also played portions of Handel's Messiah for the music department chair's church (yay getting paid!!!) and in the Christmas concert for the church I attend.
I'm now back home and am very happy to be so. :) I've been busy making Christmas presents for the past three days, and having fun learning photostudio. :)
Finals went well, and I especially enjoyed the Pirates of the Caribbean marathon I did with some friends (and I finally got to live up to the college student image of wasting time yes!!!!! - those of you planning on college, fyi if you want good grades, the stories about being able to totally goof off aren't true except after all your finals are done. Oh wait, all my friends are either athletes or musicians, maybe that's where all the rumored goof off time goes. Anyway...)

Since I doubt I'll post again before Christmas... and doubt many of you will read it before then:



Jordan Gamble said...

hehehe...merry chirstmas to those who wish I wish were not here, hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Hey levi, can't wait until you can visit again. By the way, we just watched Live Free, Or Die Hard and The Bourne Ultimatum. They were both SWEEET!

Anonymous said...

thanks Levi ..Your first photo was wonderful and I appreciated the other thing you wrote about choir and playing for the Messiah and more . Can you imagine we have every thing wrapped and it' s only 3:00 on dec24 !!!! More snow last nite but not too great for skiing cause we have freezing drizzle right now. Love .G.&G.Gskhivt

Anonymous said...

Hey... um secret dude, person, uh... oceloty!
Can you tell me what program you used to blur those acters faces??? Thanks!