Saturday, November 17, 2007

The reason for comments.

You are all aware that there is the ability to leave a comment on each of the different posts. Now I realize that many of you are parasitical readers who use my blog as entertainment but give nothing back. I despise that! Leacher's!
Here I am spending my time trying to write interesting things for you to read and you do not even spend the time to say something in return.
So you should leave comments so that you do not fall into the lowly parasitical category.
Oh, another reason to leave posts is so that I know who is reading them so that I can then write about things that would interest you. Also, it is a great way to ask me to add a certain element to the blog. Like a post of sports or food, or maybe a picture of something.

So the point is that you should all leave comments that have 3 things in them.
1. They should be funny or interesting or worthy of posting. Not a "LOL...that is cool!"
2. There should be some sign of identification such as a signature or posting name. ie. Amiphimortal or Andy's name at the end of his. If you want to be secret about who is posting that is fine.
3. They should have words in them.

That is it! So now you know how to be a great contributing member to the blog. Good luck.

Make sure to check out all the new posts!

More Mouse Trap Car Photos

Left to Right, Nick, Levi, Larry. Justin is the other member of the team but he is taking the photo.
Starting line for the Tractor Pull. Justin and Levi.


Ninja Vikings have the strongest following so Pirates beware.
Oh, they are also the best!

Friday, November 16, 2007


I just completed my modeling for the 'personal project' in ETEC 110. The requirement was to design and model a protective carrying case for a Nintendo DS Lite. They gave you a list of requirements that it had to have and a list of items that it would be nice to have. So I have been working on this for quite some time and today I finished the part assembly. I still have to do write up, documentation, lists and dimensioned drawings but the modeling is done. Yipee!

Here is a screen shot of my finished case.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I have become a vegetarian. (for one week)
So I decided that I wouldn't eat any meat this week in preparation for Turkey Day! Do you realize how hard it is to find food in the dining hall that has no meat! This week I have eaten rice and bean burritos, pasta, salad, (wanna be) fruit and cookies.
I have been eating about 1/3 of the normal amount of calories that I normally eat. That could be the reason for my low energy this week. (What an amazing idea!)
Oh well, next week I am going to eat myself silly!

Depression vs. Elation

So I am not sure if I have told you already but school has turned me from a relatively easy tempered guy into a 'manic depressive'.

I am not kidding. Some days, I will get a low homework load, understand the material or do well on a test or speech and I will feel amazing. Like nothing can go wrong and life is worth singing about.

On other days (this can be right after a great day) I may have a lot of work due, not understand the material (AT ALL) or get a poor test grade back and I feel like crying. I just want to go home and not have to deal with it anymore.

Let me just state that this is really hard on your mental and physical health.
I don't know how to handle it and it destroys my immune system. I have been sick once and three times I could feel a cold coming on. But my dear mother sent up a boat load of vitamins so I have been able to defeat it before it rises. (hee hee evil laugh)

Today is one of the bad days. I only got 6 hours of sleep last night and I did not understand the math homework. I was up until 1:00am last night trying to do it and then got up at 7:00 to work some more. By 10:00 (class time) I began to understand some and so I was able to turn in my homework. The problem is that tomorrow is a quiz on that material. Ugh!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Some people wanted to know what classes I am taking.
This Quarter I am taking the following classes.

Math 118-Accelerated Pre-Calculus

Comm 101-Intro to Public Speaking

ETEC 110-Engineering Design Graphics I

PE-Intro to Martial Arts

The classes are good but I am having trouble in the math. The comm class is a lot of fun and I promise I will get a photo of my 'sweet' self up here soon.

PE is pretty sweet and I am learning about falls, submission holds, strangles, personal weapons and take down maneuvers.

ETEC is a lot of work but I enjoy it. We are building the mouse trap car in that class as mentioned in an earlier blog as well as learning some CAD; Computer Aided Design.

This is a screen shot of the work I did today. It took me approximately 3 hours.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


If you want me to keep posting things then you need to do your part and leave interesting comments. I am not going to keep posting if I don't get any feedback. Also, leave a comment if you want me to add something to the blog.

Monday, November 12, 2007

WWU Campus

I had a few more requests for photos of the Campus here. So here are a few to start.
You can click on the photo to make it bigger.

I live in one of the nicest dorms on campus. Edens South is the original dorm here at WWU and is all brick. I live on the 3rd (the 2nd set of windows you can see) floor and it is pretty sweet.

Red Square is the center of Campus and it always has people in it. This time of year, the fountain is empty so it won't freeze and it is cold out so not that many people are around. But on any warm day there are at least 70 people at any one time.

Bad News

Sunday afternoon, there were 7 police cars and 2 paramedics outside my dorm. On my floor they had closed off a room with caution tape and Police were everywhere.

I found out this morning that a Senior named Nick who was living in a room about 10 doors down, died. They do not know how he died but they have confirmed that it was not foul play or suicide. As of now, the entire dorm is subdued and everyone seems rather depressed.

The hardest part for me is that I didn't even know him. I don't have any emotional ties to him and so the grief is not that bad. But it is strange that he is gone. I do have a few friends who knew him very well and it is really hard for them. One girl, lost her mother to brain cancer last August and now that this has happened she is nearing a nervous break down.

I am telling you all this, not so you will worry but so you will keep these people in your prayers.

Thank you


Fall camp 07

So, backtracking a little bit. Three weeks ago, I went to CCF Fall Camp. This is the annual christian camp put on by CCF (Campus Christian Fellowship). I went with my core and it was awesome. Other than being a time of spiritual growth, it was a time where I bonded with the other guys in my core. There was a speaker who spoke on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning. Between these sessions we had time to study, play games like basketball and Tackle Ultimate Frisbee(one of the coolest games ever!), or just talk and laugh. By the end of the week end, my abs hurt, I had been laughing so much.

Sunday afternoon as we were getting ready to head out, we took a picture with our CORE.

Eating Dinner Saturday Evening.