Friday, March 21, 2008

Math Score?

So my math score for the overall grade was posted today. It was so scary to check the site becuase I really had no idea what it would be. It turns out I got an A!!!!! Yessssss!!!!
I have no idea what my final exam grade was but it had to be better than an 88.6% for me to get an A so that is pretty sweet!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finals...Day 3

Yeeeeesssssssss! (Napoleon Dynamite style)

I got an A over all in Psychology so that means that I got over a 94% on the final...Ha!

Chemistry final was today and for some reason, I wasn’t nervous...maybe it has to do with the fact that I studied for 5 hours last night and then woke up this morning at 6:00am and studied for another hour. Anyway, I totally smoked that exam! It was straight forward and there were only about 3 questions I didn’t understand. Oh yeah!
Now I am done and free and doing laundry.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Finals (day 2)

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! The math final was terrible! It was nothing like anything we have ever had before and was completly different then the exams. He asked questions in strange ways and worded things terribly! It was so bad that I am not ever sure as to whether or not I failed it! It was terrible! There were mulitlpe questions I had to guess on and one that I looked at for 30 minutes and tried everything I could think of but nothing worked and in the end I left it blank! Well, full of sentences telling the teacher how worng this was!

Argg! Now I have a chem final to study for and I am depressed!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Finals...Day 1 I just finished my Psychology of Gender was easy and I probably got an A on it. Studying on the plane was very effective. Now all I have to do is pull off a good grade on my Chemistry Exam...HELP!!!! Please pray for me on that one.