Monday, November 19, 2007

Ahhhhhhhh! Oh no! This Can't Be Happening!

Ha ha! Did I made you look! You thought this was going to be something bad didn't you? And so with that knowledge you choose to read on so that you could find out what kind of agony I was going through and then revel in my pain! Oh the misery of knowing that that is all you care about. sniff sniff...

Now that that is over, I guess I will try to write about something. I do have to say that I am running out of things to write about so here is my newest old idea. First, people start leaving comments and if you want me to write about a certain event, idea, policy or belief ect... Then ask me to do so in your comment.
Two things on that. First, this makes it somewhat of a request option so if I don't write about your requested topic, don't get angry. Second, please leave some form of identification on your comments so that I can differentiate. It does not have to be your name. It could be a code name.

Okay, that is all for now. Chow!!


Anonymous said...

It's not that I like reading about your misery, it's because I like hearing anything you have to say, that I read on. ;-)
You could share some of what you've been learning with your CORE... That would be cool. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha! I laugh at your misery Levi! I revel in your pain! I bask in your agony!
ocelot61 is probably lieing and if he/she is not it is becuase he/she is to simpithetic. You know, ocelot61 is probably a she because the comments are so nicely worded and thoughtfully put down. This type of writing is also know as fetterness writing becuase it is trying to make you Feel bETTER.