Thursday, November 15, 2007

Depression vs. Elation

So I am not sure if I have told you already but school has turned me from a relatively easy tempered guy into a 'manic depressive'.

I am not kidding. Some days, I will get a low homework load, understand the material or do well on a test or speech and I will feel amazing. Like nothing can go wrong and life is worth singing about.

On other days (this can be right after a great day) I may have a lot of work due, not understand the material (AT ALL) or get a poor test grade back and I feel like crying. I just want to go home and not have to deal with it anymore.

Let me just state that this is really hard on your mental and physical health.
I don't know how to handle it and it destroys my immune system. I have been sick once and three times I could feel a cold coming on. But my dear mother sent up a boat load of vitamins so I have been able to defeat it before it rises. (hee hee evil laugh)

Today is one of the bad days. I only got 6 hours of sleep last night and I did not understand the math homework. I was up until 1:00am last night trying to do it and then got up at 7:00 to work some more. By 10:00 (class time) I began to understand some and so I was able to turn in my homework. The problem is that tomorrow is a quiz on that material. Ugh!


Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose since I want you to keep posting, I'd best leave a comment, but it's just to say check your email... :D

Anonymous said...

I feel for you levi. I'd be depressed to.