Thursday, November 15, 2007


I have become a vegetarian. (for one week)
So I decided that I wouldn't eat any meat this week in preparation for Turkey Day! Do you realize how hard it is to find food in the dining hall that has no meat! This week I have eaten rice and bean burritos, pasta, salad, (wanna be) fruit and cookies.
I have been eating about 1/3 of the normal amount of calories that I normally eat. That could be the reason for my low energy this week. (What an amazing idea!)
Oh well, next week I am going to eat myself silly!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

u have issues... no meat?? u crazy!
why why tell me why other than waiting for turky. i'll bet that by the time you end up eating the turky your body will reject it and you will waste a whole good serving of turky... so you better just leave your plate untouched for me!! ha ha lol rogl hee hee. u poor unfortunate soul.

Jordan Gamble said...

LOL...exactly.....come on engeneering brain... top that High School LOgic!!!!!! Hohaa.....

Jordan Gamble said...

LOL...exactly.....come on engeneering brain... top that High School LOgic!!!!!! Hohaa.....

Anonymous said...

Who ever amaphimortal is is strange. They posted the same comment twice! How unorginal is that! Also, the LOL is dumb!

Anonymous said...

you guys crack me up.... I'll eat the turkey!!! well, maybe not after.... :-P