Thursday, June 5, 2008

ETEC Projects

Here are some screen shots of the different projects that I have been working on this past quarter. The kinetic flashlight was my personal project and the money clip/bottle opener was the team project.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Almost not a teen

It is stange how when you are are child things seem to go by so slowly and as you get older time seems to speed up. I wonder if it has to do with the energy levels. As a child, you are small and full of energy, always ready to do stuff. Moving fast if you will so time seems slower. Where as as you get older you become slower and therefore time seems to be moving faster. Who knows.

It it very stange to me how quickly this year went. It is over in less than two weeks. I am sure it was only a few weeks ago that I turned 19 and now here I am, in exaclty 2 weeks (14 days for those who have trouble counting) I will be turning 20 years old. I will no longer be a teenager. How strange.