Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It is Official

So up here at school it has been great. I have made some good friends and become connected in the community here in the dorms. The major role that lead to this was Sean and Jesse, my Corefa’s (Core Facilitator), or small group leaders. They are the leaders of our men’s bible study group in the dorm. CCF (Campus Christian Fellowship) is the club behind the groups here on campus. They have been around for almost 40 years and are very well grounded. To be a corefa there is a long process that involves being recommended by your present corefa, long application forms, an interview and to take a Discipleship class that they put on that goes for Winter and Spring Quarter.

As some of you know, I had expressed an interest in being a CoreFa next year. Beginning about midway through Fall quarter I began thinking about this and God has definitely led me in coming to my decision. All the complications and fears I have had He has addressed and given me confidence in Him.

So about 4 weeks ago, I decided I wanted to do it and began the application process. There was an application form that was most definitely the longest form I have ever filled out in my life and it involved a lot of questions regarding my spiritual life, past present and foreseeable future.
I had an interview and then yesterday I got an email informing me that I have been excepted (or whatever they call it). So next year I will be a CoreFa here in Eden’s Hall. It is a little overwhelming but it will be a great growing experience. The other corefa, (the one I will be co-leading with) in Edens is James Tomlinson, a guy I know from Core this year. We are very very different but hopefully we can each play to our strengths and let the other take up our weaknesses.