Saturday, February 16, 2008

Friday Nights

Q. 6:
The Lamp was 10.8ft high.
The actual answer is 62.5 ft/min
Q. 7:
(Sorry, the script won’t let me post the relationship formula.)
Answer is: a)-12.7 units/month, b)-1.58 $/item/month

Well, Last night I stayed up until 5:30am sitting in the lounge talking to people. It was pretty amazing. CCF was great and we are starting a preprayer meeting g about an hour before that is going to become so powerful. CCF (Campus Christian Fellowship) was great and then that evening about six of us stayed up until 2:30 talking about theology and relationship with God thru Jesus. At 2:45 we all kind of lost it and jokes started flying. Things are so much funnier when you are exhausted. At 4:30 I had to take a guy to the airport so I just stayed up until then. It was great but now my Saturday is almost over.

Skiing tomorrow! Jesse and I and maybe Jon are going up to Baker tomorrow. It should be really fun. I heard it snowed in Ramona Thursday! That is weird. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Math Questions

For those who want to see the questions.

6. A man 6 feet tall is walking away from a lamppost at the rate of 50 feet/minute. When the man is 8 feet from the lamppost, his shadow is 10 feet long. At what rate is the length of the shadow changing when he is 25 feet from the lamppost?

7. The price p (in $) and demand x for a product are related by .

a. If the price is increasing at a rate of $2 per month when the price is $30, find the rate of change of the demand.

b. If the demand is decreasing at a rate of 6 units per month when the demand is 150 units, find the rate of change of the price.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Oh my word! (wow, I havent been able to say that line for a long time)

So I have always heard that when you get into higher math you have problems that can take hours. Well, today, I spent 2 hours doing 2 questions. It took an entire hour to do just one question and I am not even sure if it is right and I definetly dont understand it. Sheesh! What do they expect, that I am made of time?

Monday, February 11, 2008


Hehe. Hahehe! Whoa hahhahahahaheheheheheh!

Two tests today that I Aced! Oh yeah! Oh did I mention, it is raining. (again)

Yesterday, I went out with some people and we played Tackle Ultimate Frisbee. It was raining and very wet/muddy. In the end the sun came out and Jon and I did belly flops into the muddy area. It was very fun and very cold.

I spent an hour in the shower washing out my clothes!


So somebody complained to me that it has been a long time since the last blog. That is true and I apologize. I have been busy and (lazy) so I will try to correct that problem. So don’t worry, this blog isn’t closed down. I have two tests today in about 3 hours so I really need to study for them so I will be making a more interesting post later this week.
