Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Tradition

Okay, so I am about to tell you about the wildest thing I have ever done in my life! First off I need a disclaimer. All things said below are protected under the copyright laws and are illegal for distribution. Do not tell other people! This is secret (and that is why I am posting it on a public Internet blog?)

So last night was the annual Tradition run. This is where a bunch of guys from Edens and Higginson meet and run through campus at 9:00 PM at night screaming and yelling. Then we hike to the observation tower on Seahome Hill and yell for a minute straight. (it is a stress reliever for finals week)

Now you might say that that is not so bad or embarrassing or even wild and you would be right. But what if I tell you that we do all of this while wearing nothing but a loin cloth? That is right. Last night I ran through campus wearing a towel as a loin cloth. I agree, it is really weird and definitely not something I would normally do. I guess you could say there was a lot of peer pressure involved and the stress probably had something to do with it.

Needless to say I am not going to post any pictures of this event! Even if I wanted to I could not get any photos. The event is very secret and is only known about by personal invitation. The reason for secrecy is if people knew they would be waiting with cameras and it is already embarrassing enough, even without having photos of ourselves all over campus. We all met in Sean's room (my CORE leader) and put on our towels and took off everything else, (except shoes). Then we sprinted out the front of the dorm, being both incredibly self conscious and, at the same time, filled with exhilaration at our own nerve! Oh, it was really cold. I mean, really really cold. It is Dec. 5 at 9:00 at night in a northern state and I was basically naked!

Well, that is the story of the wildest, most embarrassing thing I have ever done in my life.


Anonymous said...


Desk Manager said...

How can you know your potential if you never challenge yourself
-ben franklin

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Levi you are my hero!

Anonymous said...

I would agree with Anti I am not joining you though

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


guardian said...

Purge yourself!!! With the fire of the Holy Spirit! Sanctify your soul by submerging in the metephysical blood of Christ!!! Do 20 Hail Mary's and 32 Our Fathers. And my God have mercy... Oh what a world what a world...