Friday, November 16, 2007


I just completed my modeling for the 'personal project' in ETEC 110. The requirement was to design and model a protective carrying case for a Nintendo DS Lite. They gave you a list of requirements that it had to have and a list of items that it would be nice to have. So I have been working on this for quite some time and today I finished the part assembly. I still have to do write up, documentation, lists and dimensioned drawings but the modeling is done. Yipee!

Here is a screen shot of my finished case.


Jordan Gamble said...

DoubleYouOhDoubleYou... CAN YOU PLEASE DESIGN ME A... Like... Ninja Dragon Shape!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A what? What is a doubleyouohdoubleyou?
Amaphimortal has definetly lost it, big time. Woah big time!

Anonymous said...

wow that's cool... do you do these on your laptop or do you have to use a computer lab for them?

oh and my expectation of being able to call this weekend went poof since they painted the doors to my doom and so I can't be in my dorm more than a couple minutes at a time, ie no phone :D. so ya... but if you happened to sign in to AIM, i should be online most of today, you know my screenname :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet pics lewi! What grade you get on that? You should make the material like some kinda marble or wood or somethin' cool. Yeah. Talk to you later dude. stay sweet!