Monday, November 26, 2007

If I had a camera...

I would post pics like Levi. I would show you pictures of how our gym has become a Christmas Concerts stage - all down the sides where teh bleachers normally are, there are now small stages with beautiful scenery of winter and toy shops and such. There are stage lights hanging from the steel rafters dozens of feet in the air, and all of us in the orchestra spent yesterday evening emptying the music building contents into the gym - 41 chairs, 30-some music stands, dozens of stand lights, extension cords and power strips. All the pianos except for the single bad piano in practice room L have been transported to the gym, and I got special entry into Doc's office to get all the orchestral music to put into folders for the hired professionals. (It took longer to figure out that the music was locked up in his office than to actually distribute it.) I'm so excited for concerts tomorrow, but your prayers would also be appreciated, because this will be an exhausting week - I have a five hour rehearsal tonight to start it off with!!! It will be a week of much good music, much fun, much laughter, much crowding as instrumentalists trying to put their cases somewhere safe compete for space with the dozens of girls in hoop skirts in the locker room converted to dressing room, crowding around the tiny warped mirrors to touch up stage makeup, and shouts of warning as some poor guys don't realize that girls' dressing room MEANS girls dressing room and just want to get outside by the shortest route... 'twil be fun, 'twil be exhausting, and hopefully the result of all the chaos will come to an ordered musical display of the glory of God. And just maybe somebody will take pictures I can post....

EDIT: I will do my best to obtain a camera. If you want to come to the concert, well, I think most tickets are sold out and they're also expensive, but I believe that you can check my school's website for ticket info or talk to my mom...


Anonymous said...

Well, I would get a camera if I were you becuase even though you did an excelent job at describing the view, a picture is still worth a...(however many words you used)

Anonymous said...

Excellent description, Ocelot61! Wow. It sounds so beautiful. I sure hope you get some pics of it for us all. When is the concert? Maybe I should come?

The Mother

Anonymous said...

LOL- Girls CAN talk!!! WHy not some visual aids!

Anonymous said...

That was some superb writing. You've got mad literature skills!