Monday, March 1, 2010


Many of you may have received letters in the mail in the last couple of days. For those who didn't receive those letters I will give a rough overview of what they contained.
This spring break I am going on a short term mission trip with the Christian group I am apart of up here at WWU. I am going with about 15 other people to the University of Montana, Missoula where we will be doing campus outreach and supporting the ministry team over there. I am quite excited as well as some what nervous as I haven't ever done a mission trip before. We will be leaving the weekend after final exams (March 20th) and driving to Montana where we will stay until the 27th. Then I get back to Bellingham and Spring quarter classes start Monday the 29th! :(
(speaking of classes, I have to still figure out what I am taking next quarter...I register this Thursday!)

So anyway this mission trip or SSI (student spring impact) trip is happening and our team has started to prepare. Many of the team members are very uncomfortable talking to strangers about Jesus and so there is a lot of encouragement in being bold in speaking about Him that is needed.
I am very excited for this trip and what God will do on it. Please be praying for me on this trip and in the time leading up to it. Prayer for myself and my team that we would be bold and seek Gods voice and for the campus that God would prepare the hearts of those he would like us to minister to. Also please be praying for me that I can raise enough support to fund this trip.
Thank you for your prayers and support (ahead of time) and I hope your February is going well.

I promise I will take pictures and post them here.