Monday, November 12, 2007

Bad News

Sunday afternoon, there were 7 police cars and 2 paramedics outside my dorm. On my floor they had closed off a room with caution tape and Police were everywhere.

I found out this morning that a Senior named Nick who was living in a room about 10 doors down, died. They do not know how he died but they have confirmed that it was not foul play or suicide. As of now, the entire dorm is subdued and everyone seems rather depressed.

The hardest part for me is that I didn't even know him. I don't have any emotional ties to him and so the grief is not that bad. But it is strange that he is gone. I do have a few friends who knew him very well and it is really hard for them. One girl, lost her mother to brain cancer last August and now that this has happened she is nearing a nervous break down.

I am telling you all this, not so you will worry but so you will keep these people in your prayers.

Thank you


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