Friday, November 6, 2009

CCF Fall camps

Here are some picture from Fall camp. I have to wait for people to post them on face book so more may come. It was a great time and we had a blast. Our core dressed up as Nash Bachelors. We had newspapers, bath robes, v-neck tshirts and chest hair. ;)

We had the most people I have ever seen at fall camp. 284 people from campus! (I am front middle in a mustard colored sweatshirt, along with my core.)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fast update

Looooooong Time
The idea of getting on and writing or updating this blog, or more importantly the action of getting on and doing it is getting harder and harder. Its not that I don't care but more that so much is going on and there are people around me all the time I don't have the desire or focus to write.
So here I am writing but I really don't know what to say. So much has happened there is no point in trying to catch up. But I'll try.

School is going great, not very time consuming this quarter, Core is amazing this year and is super fun, the house is wonderful and God is pouring out blessings upon us. Went to CCF Fall camp last weekend, it was a great bonding time, car wouldn't start on Sunday and so stranded at camp for 2 hours. Halfway through quarter, midterms went well. life is really busy but fulfilling.

Class in 10 min so I have to go. I am sorry about no pics. you can look on face book or wait until I can find my camera. Still haven't unpacked my stuff, still don't have mattress, still only have one desk between two guys. But, I do have a bathrobe now!

Mom and Dad have been a huge blessing and they were up this last weekend helping finish one of our bathrooms. It works great.

Okay, TTFN