Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Break

Wednesday-Sunday free from school.
I have forgotten how nice it is to not have assignments due every day and how nice it is to have family around.

T-Day was lots of fun. We ate the usual: Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, gravy, green beans, oh and pie. Although I wasn't able to have a pie eating contest because they only had one pie! It was kinda of sad. But other than that, we played lots of games: concentration, my ship carries and charades.
Saturday afternoon Tristan and I went to the 9th annual Cranberry Sauce Bowl. We played soccer in the mud for 3 hours and it was amazing. I was so dirty and sore. Today, I have trouble walking around and I think I either bruised a bone or strained a muscle in my foot. Here is a photo of Tristan and I after the event showing off our dirtiness.

Saturday night I went out with all my older cousins to dinner and then we went over to one of their homes and watch Ratatouille. It was 1:30am by the time I got home.
It is freezing up here. At the Deniet's Friday morning it was 18 degrees and there was snow on the ground. When I tried to open my car door it was frozen shut!


Anonymous said...

Hey good lookin. Levi, you are so hot!

Anonymous said...

OK OK, enough of this hidden identity stuff! Who are YOU, 'friday'?


Jordan Gamble said...

LOL... Levi your kinda short compared to tristan!!!
I give you credit for fooling mom though!!! I like friday too!!!

Anonymous said...

Friday" is obviously a girl.

Anonymous said...

If you say anything to give away my identity I promise that I will make your life miserable.

Anonymous said...

I guess amaphimortal has a miserable life to look forward to...


The Mother

Anonymous said...

I think Friday" is a bit narcissistic!
