Monday, December 3, 2007

God is Amazing!

In my last post I told you how I had a lot of stressful things coming up and how I was sick. I received a call from my mother yesterday telling me how there was a group of people praying for the college students during this time.
Today, I woke up and my sore throat is almost completely gone. I feel alive and ready to live. Thank you so much for your prayer and glory to God for His unending love and care.

Also, my speech was today and even though I didn't feel as comfortable as I would have liked, the speech went okay. So now I am done with Comm 101, except for a small paper on my improvements in speaking. Yippee!


Dust and Dignity said...

Woohooo! Congratulations, Levi!!!
I'm now done with my Bio Lab... I'm guessing I flunked today's quiz, just like the quiz from two weeks ago, but we'll see. Being done with a class is indeed a good feeling :).

Anonymous said...

look beyond what you see

Anonymous said...

I would think that i would have many supporters because of my ideals and obvious vitality and gifting for the presidency, but I’ve heard rumors that some people say that they just can't let me be the face of America... is this true mother??

Anonymous said...

What the! No campaining!

Anonymous said...

Yes Dear,
When you were first born the doctors said you looked like this: DO NOT LOOK AT IF UNDER AGE!!! FREEKY
AHHHH!!!!!! bad dreams bad dreams....hehehe(toldyou)

So yea, your really ugly and no one is going to vote for Ron paul... maybe you should go into acting!!!

Love you son,
Your Mom

Anonymous said...

oh my word

Anonymous said...

I WIN!!!!

Anonymous said...

no campaigning! It's against Levi's rules!

Desk Manager said...

Good pics better check out the sencond ugliest dog now at
good thought

Anonymous said...

hey lewee, sorry havn't been here in a while. i've been prayin for ya...bu tno worries i know that you'll be great!!


Anonymous said...

hey andy. By the way i'm the guy who introduced you to bat thumb. Don't want to say my name.