Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Levi invited me to be able to post on this blog and I figured why not since none of you read mine? If you don't know who this is, comment and I can email you to tell you ;-). I'm pretty much having a great week with all my homework done until Monday, now I get to start on getting two weeks ahead so Christmas concerts don't kill me yaaaaay!!!! I don't really know what to blog about either, so I think I'll copy Levi and say if you have anythign you want me to talk about, just let me know. Hmm what's something more interesting than just saying hi? Oh I know!!! I'm currently creating a language... yep, in my linguistics class, there's a group project where I work with five other people to completely create a language from the ground up. Coolest part about it: the langauge has no verbs!!! :D (and yes, it actually works - we have waht are called verb markers, the "t" sound, so that when we need a verb, we take a related noun and mark it as a verb, so "to write" is "tpen" it's so much fun finding ways that nouns and verbs relate. :) okay friends, ask me questions :)


Anonymous said...

WHAT! Levi let you be a writer but he didn’t allow me! You, the person who is always leaving nice feedback and encouragement! What is this world coming to?!
Okay, so ocelot61, who are you? What is your identity so that I may then post relevant "nice uplifting" comments on your "lovely" posts as well.
(This is so wrong! Not right I say this is not right.)

Anonymous said...

cool dude... identify yourself! just so you know ur making yourself appear to be an idiot w/ ur negative waves and natural tendency to boil peoples vibes!! tell us who u r so that you may be properly laughed at...

Dust and Dignity said...

yeah cool dude, i think i know who you are so i could email you who i am, but at the same time, i don't know whether it's a good idea to give you the information..... hm i'll think about it... :D

Jordan Gamble said...

Ok I admit... I take all blame!!!!! ITS MY BRILLIANT SIDE KICK JOEY MIGY AND ME!!! Please no applause... I know, Its hard to take at first but seriously... Aren't I brilliant!!!
Still Doubt My genius... hmm... ehh...ahhh....

Anonymous said...

WHAT!!! YOU Lieing, NO GOod, Low down, PC hacker, identity theiver... PUNK!!! WHat are you trying to do!
PEOPLE!!! Do NOT believe this scum... He Lies... LIES I SAY!!!
I am the true Master mind!!! Don't fall for his pitiful attempt!!! I, Jordan Gamble, am your hidden secret... COOL DUDE!!! I RULE THIS BLOG!!!!
(Hysterical Laughing)

Anonymous said...

LOL... Wow, very nice! BUt heres the facts... I, Hillary Clinton, am enjoying your blog... alot.... keep it up!!!
Also, you people should recheck that blog with 18 comments...Hillarious!!!
Hillary Clinton

Anonymous said...

Thats AWESOME!!! Hey hillary, "Whats your position on Foreign Policy"?
Thanks so much,
Jordan Gamble

Anonymous said...

What!!! NO rebut!!! HAHAAA!
At last I am seeing the reeping of my work!!!
SOon, you will see your mindless bloging and fall into hopeless worship of meeeeEEE!!!
...wow...that was dark even for a mastermind like me... hmmm LOL I like it!!! POWER TO THE MORTALS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! GO TEAM!!!
I can see my persuasion powers working already! LOL! The Executive seat is MINE!!!
.... Oh, I'll share with amaphi too... nice work team!
Hillary Clinton

Jordan Gamble said...

Oh hey thanks Hillary!
So heres the list of Members we have on Team Mortals:
1)Leader-Jordan Gman
2)Secretary-Hillary CLinton
4)War Department- Adam Bauer

Keep it up team MORTALS!!!

Anonymous said...

HA! that's all you have on team amphimortal? (insulting grumbling) I have MILLIONS of a commplices, spies, friends in high places. die fools!

Anonymous said...

Why do you persist? There is no contest.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Friday? You're new to the blog.

Anonymous said...

plesure to meet you "friday". my name is the antidisestablishmentarianist.

Anonymous said...

You are a freak! I do not talk to people who first off, misspell my name. It is Friday"
Also, your name is freakishly strange!

Jordan Gamble said...

LOL nice work friday!!! You had me fooled for hours...but I noticed not many people say freak, cept you and me!!! ME AND YOU, BOTH OF US!!! FIGHTING!!

Anonymous said...

AH! AH HA HA HA HAAAA! amphimortal! you spelled Friday" wrong! Oh and I don't think he's going to team up with you either, amphimortal. My name is not freakishly strange. It's freakishly awsome.

Jordan Gamble said...

FREAKKKK!!!! ....you really are scaring me... GO BACK TO YOUR ASYLUM... FREAK!!!

Anonymous said...

At least I don't scream all the time like some people. (not naming any names AMPHIMORTAL). That kinda tells you something.

Desk Manager said...

if you cant name any names then you've lost the aguement
you have the burden of proof.
you've made a baseless claim; put that jewel in thy almanac ben

education has been created by capitalist scums. Spelling is a mark of oppression the bourgeoisie uses to destroy the credibility of the proletariat. It doesn't matter though because the proletariat will inevitably rise to free the world. Capetallllllast sKuUOMmmm!1!1!!1111
-proletarian mortal

Desk Manager said...

Grammar is the grave of letters.

Why care for grammar as long as we are good?
-Armetus Ward

Anonymous said...

yahhh bahd gramer peeple rok hard!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry there is no come back for that!!!

Anonymous said...

ha! antidisestablishmentarianists have the lead! antidisestablishmentarianists; away!!!

Desk Manager said...

Last one standing. fear me o immigration scum!