Wednesday, November 21, 2007

No-Shave November

In the month of November here at WWU, there is a tradition that I have chosen to follow. It is this. You don't shave during November. Guys don't shave their faces and girls don't shave their legs. Now, I think that most people don't participate but my CORE went for it wholeheartedly. So for the last 3 weeks I have not been shaving. I have a nice beard now but there were certain complications with T-Day coming.
If I went to thanks giving with my beard then my Aunt would make it her sole duty to come up with as many jokes about it as she could. SO to avoid that issue, I shaved yesterday. Now I was not the only one. After dinner yesterday a group of 5 guys met in Jessie's room for a very serious event. We had a beard shaving party! It was both painful and enjoyable at the same time. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to shave when you have a beard that is three weeks out? It hurts if you try to go fast. So it took me about 15min to shave. Anyway, I have some pre-shave photos.

Left to right: Levi, Jon, Will, Ryan, Jessie.
Bathroom Party!

NO! No, no no!

I just finished writing an entire blog and tried to post it. The page said there was an error and I lost all my work! Ahhhhhhhhh!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Levi invited me to be able to post on this blog and I figured why not since none of you read mine? If you don't know who this is, comment and I can email you to tell you ;-). I'm pretty much having a great week with all my homework done until Monday, now I get to start on getting two weeks ahead so Christmas concerts don't kill me yaaaaay!!!! I don't really know what to blog about either, so I think I'll copy Levi and say if you have anythign you want me to talk about, just let me know. Hmm what's something more interesting than just saying hi? Oh I know!!! I'm currently creating a language... yep, in my linguistics class, there's a group project where I work with five other people to completely create a language from the ground up. Coolest part about it: the langauge has no verbs!!! :D (and yes, it actually works - we have waht are called verb markers, the "t" sound, so that when we need a verb, we take a related noun and mark it as a verb, so "to write" is "tpen" it's so much fun finding ways that nouns and verbs relate. :) okay friends, ask me questions :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

What did I do today?

Listing the things I did today by order of time.

7:00am Alarm went off (my alarm is my iPod so it plays music.)

8:30am Got up out of bed after falling back asleep to the peaceful music of Linkin Park.

8:45am Took a shower and used Head & Shoulders Shampoo for the first time in 4 months. Looked at email, checked calender, consumed walnuts, almonds and cashews as well as some grapefruit juice and my mothers lovely vitamins.

10:00am Math class, We went over a cool subject today. Solving triangles trigonometricaly. So now, if I am lost on a mountain. I can find how high above sea level I am if I know the angle from sea level to me and how far away a certain point is that is at sea level. Oh, I also need a graphing calculator.

11:00am Went to Martial arts class and learned new throw for when shaking someones hand. Very very very cool. So next time I meet someone and I don't like how they shake hands, I can throw them to the ground or if I really don't like them, I could go really fast and break their wrist.

12:00pm Communications 101. Listened to 5 people give speeches on rather boring topics. My IA (Instructor Assistant but really my teacher) (he is awesome by the way) talked to me about my speech and basically said that I need to be more persuasive in my write up.

1:10pm Ate lunch with dudes.

2:00pm Meet with my advisor and talked about next quarters classes.

Afternoon spent doing home work, calling people, looking at my email every 15min or so, just in case someone sent me a really important email and generally being semi distracted until Dinner.

6:00pm Dinner (I will describe dinners later)

7:00pm I had an amazing burst of productivity and completed most of my math homework, studied for my quiz and modeled some parts on the computer.

8:00pm CORE (I will tell more about this in a later post)

9:30pm Late night (I will also tell about later)

11:00pm Finished math homework while in a lounge and then talked to a girl on my floor while untangling the most amazingly complicated ball of yarn every envisioned by man. Except for that knot that the Persian dudes had until Alexander diced it up.

12:00am Type on blog when I should be in bed.

Ahhhhhhhh! Oh no! This Can't Be Happening!

Ha ha! Did I made you look! You thought this was going to be something bad didn't you? And so with that knowledge you choose to read on so that you could find out what kind of agony I was going through and then revel in my pain! Oh the misery of knowing that that is all you care about. sniff sniff...

Now that that is over, I guess I will try to write about something. I do have to say that I am running out of things to write about so here is my newest old idea. First, people start leaving comments and if you want me to write about a certain event, idea, policy or belief ect... Then ask me to do so in your comment.
Two things on that. First, this makes it somewhat of a request option so if I don't write about your requested topic, don't get angry. Second, please leave some form of identification on your comments so that I can differentiate. It does not have to be your name. It could be a code name.

Okay, that is all for now. Chow!!

The speed of time?

How do you measure time? Sometimes it flies while others it seems to drag on for ages. Take last week for example. It was only four class days for me but it seemed like 16 days. Where as tonight, I was talking to some people in a lounge after dinner around 7:30 and before I new it, it was 11:54!
Actually I have to ask myself what I am doing typing this post at 12:30 at night when I have class tomorrow? Very foolish. So goodnight.
