Left to Right, Nick, Levi, Larry. Justin is the other member of the team but he is taking the photo. Starting line for the Tractor Pull. Justin and Levi.
That is right. I am YOUR MOM! So, start spelling correctly! 'Reinforcements! How can you call in reinforcements without spelling it correctly!! No one will understand!!!!!!
HAHAHA... I can see it now!!! United States Navy ships traveling as groups... gossiping all about the war with whatever!!! BUt hey... not much we can do since Clintons in office.... OOOWWW BURN......
LOL...nice team... Oh for your supposed team of intelects please, dont strain yourselves...especielly with that a simple anyconm like:doubleyouOdoubleyou...take your time...
Insignificant quarrels are petty to me. I do not indulge in such piteous things. I think this blog does not deserve my respect any longer. -over----------------
FIne!!!! LEAVE MY SIGHT!!! I now Officially own this Post and have conquered those finndishly clever intellects... Mission acomplsihed team... MORTALS!!!! HOHaa!! Over And out....
Also anyone who is named "cool dude" makes his name that since he is both ugly and has low self esteem and is also fat! Mr. cool dude do pushups lose some weight and get some self esteem! Oh yeah.... GET A LIFE! FATTY!
i now control this blog!! my enemies have lost control!! Ha ha ha. MMUUUOOOAAAHHHAAAHAAHAHAHhHAA!!! get in position! antidisestablishmentarianists, AWAY!!!!
...SIR... I have confirmation on Subject. It appears we are working with a mental unstable victim... his fantasies of World Domination are but hallucinations!!! ...Sir, were still not sure of exact name of victim but I am fairly sure he is a Chinese Immigrant Sent over a Santa Clause...2-Years Back.
GOOD WORK JORDAN... HIllary!! Can you pay of the government and get control of the NUKelier Silos... It is a set I fear we must Take... if at all cost we will nuke this Blog... please... a moment of silence... ........ ... .......NOW BLOW THEM UPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAH!!!!
you defy my honesty. DO NOT PROVOKE ME TO REVEAL YOUR TRUE IDENTITY AMPHIMORTAL!!! yesss...I can feel the tension like a wire around your throat...tightening...tightening...tightening.
What the... who is this terrorist!!! Qiuck, call the Nuke silos.... WE WILL FIND YOU!!! Do not allow him to hack our net!!! No one threatens us and lives!!!!!!! PREPARE TO LOSE YOU Mental asylum Freak!!!
I repeat, I know your true identity, do not make me reveal it. every one will now who you are. you will be ruined. There wil be nothing left for you. There aren't even any other mortals. you're just kidding your self, like a child. I on the other hand have accomplices and spies EVERYWHERE. you cannot move an INCH without my knowing. antidisestablishmentarianists: consentrate all attention on mission amphimortal. I repeat, cosentrate all attention on mission amphimortal. You know who you are.....
This is your final warning. I will reveal your true identity. I know who you are. My spies tell me that you writhe with agony in the search for my identity. They say that you are consumed with the search to the point of insanity. But you will NEVER find my name. Not if you search for 100 YEARS. Not in the term of your existence will you ever learn my true identity. But I know your name. And I know it well. For I have friends in high places. I have spies and accomplices everywhere. The first person you meet today could be one. Appologize for your rudeness, or you will be ruined. For I know who you are.
Sorry For Ruleing... SOrry for Winning... SOrry for dominating... Sorry for schooling... sorry for nuking you... sorry for styling... sorry... For being your Master!!! P.S-Stop Threatining Me...JD!!!! P.P.S-If you don't want to be discovered again don't say... "freinds in High places" LOL - Burned!!!!
Now that we are in agreement, Levi says we can't fight anymore. BUT I STILL RULE ALL!!! BOW TO ME! WORSHIP ME!! ALL PRAISE -- (cough. cough.) nevermind.
All praise the idol proletarian mortal, ruler over all righteous blogs. We are here almighty one it was difficult deciphering your holy call for help, great master over all. These unfaithful sinners that neglect to worship you should parish, show no mercy eminent one, cease their distressing speeches.
OH Right!! MY QUEWE... thanks Pleeease, the applause if deafening... cease... so i'm not sure of anyones identity but i'd like to thank...uhh, myself, and uhh... KILL THE SOCIALISTS!!! (...I love my one liners, hehehe)
No one, I say, no one will use MY NAME to represent THEIR thoughts.
I have snuck in from behind, caught the bandit red-handed, clipped him on the back of the head and reprimanded him severely for this broach of trust! Surely, such deceit will not be allowed on this trustworthy website, what say you all?
Down with identity thieves! Although I never had a sign in name before, I always signed my blogs either THE MOTHER or YOUR MOM, depending on the attitude I wanted to convey. Now, unbeknownst to me, a new sign-in name has come up as 'YOUR MOM'... of all the ghastly deeds!
But as I said before, I have caught the thief and cured him of this fault. Now that I have siezed the fortress and inhabited it... I am now 'YOUR MOM', or at least certain people's mom. I much prefer 'THE MOTHER' , but seeing that this is created I will accept it. Unless, of course, I change it! For now, as always, YOUR MOM
heh heh. You think you're soooo smart. You think you now who I am. You probably fanisize who I am. But you don't know who I am.(mockongly patronizing tone)
AhHAAA... We have him now, he is shaking in fear!!! Now bow or we will reveal your... umm... VOTING BALOT!!! Commie!!!! ...on a side note...anyone know if unckle armin still says commie??"?? just wondering-chao
ha ha ha you will bow to me soon now very soon now ha ha ha me he he he ha yes I know you anti and how to crush you for ever ha ha ha next blog you write needs to have you say you are sorry for everything even for being born and I might let you live peacefully so say sorry now
nooooo this can't be happening! My world, mY WORLD!.ahhhh "can't breath...loosing conciseness... fading black... going..." "Bring it home, take it in, bring... go home, take it back, give it up, let... let it go..."
Commie. Do you not understand you are fighting a hopeless fight. This is no mere man you battle but a belief and will to ultimate domination! I rule. STOP IMPERSONATING ME, aarrggg!
Why in the world are all you guys posting meaningless and downright stupid blogs!!!! They are worthless and we should just talk about SENSICAL THINGS!!!! 'Cause this blog is getting really dumb. Who's with me?
...Still listing.... Hehe, loser! you really are hopeless... If you want to be smart, the accept that the Mortals RULE! ....I will agree to be more uplifting though. Go Mortals! Yea Mortals are so cool,, yea mortals rule,,,
sweet pics!
are the wheels CD's?
Ahh, duh they are cds.
Who is 'coll' Dude? Is 'coll' Dude supposed to be 'cool' dude? Who is this brilliant insulter of other's comments?
Who dares to insult my name! Seeing that you were not brave enough to leave a name I see no reason to reveal my identity.
Hey!!!!!Bring mr smarty pants!!!!! I'm ready for it!!!
Bronze over brains!!!!
Oh YEa... well geuss this mr tough guy...girl....girlyman....oh!!!Cant touch our skills!!!
Fight fight fight fight fight
... man this blog is AWUSOME!!!!!
awEsome! awEsome!!! Come on you well educated homeschool boys! Show that you know!
cough... ehe.... yoUR MOM.. cough...ehe..
Haahaha... the battle rages on will reenforecments!!!!!!! GOOOOO TOUGHGUYS!!!!
That is right. I am YOUR MOM! So, start spelling correctly! 'Reinforcements! How can you call in reinforcements without spelling it correctly!! No one will understand!!!!!!
Men!!!!! DONT LISTEN TO THIS!!!!! Its all lies...LIES!!! LIESLIES!!!!!!! WERE ARE MY MEN!!!! GIVE ME SO INTELECT PEOPLE!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FIGHT!!!!!!| I cant spell in the middle of battle!!! Ah.... NOW I see why there havent been any women comander... we'd all talk with tea...lol
I can see it now!!! United States Navy ships traveling as groups... gossiping all about the war with whatever!!! BUt hey... not much we can do since Clintons in office.... OOOWWW BURN......
LOL...nice team...
Oh for your supposed team of intelects please, dont strain yourselves...especielly with that a simple anyconm like:doubleyouOdoubleyou...take your time...
Haha!!!! No one has posted in Days!!! VICTORY TO THE ...ehh... ME's!!!! HAHAHA
Insignificant quarrels are petty to me. I do not indulge in such piteous things. I think this blog does not deserve my respect any longer.
I now Officially own this Post and have conquered those finndishly clever intellects... Mission acomplsihed team... MORTALS!!!! HOHaa!!
Over And out....
Haha!!! Good Job Eathen Hunt!!!
I hearby award you the MEDAL OF HONOR!!
Job well done Agent.
-Senior Officer Gamble
SIr!!! I have Information concerning a new threat in a covert blog... permission to infiltrate and inviolate!
GO< GO< GOO!!!!!!
Also anyone who is named "cool dude" makes his name that since he is both ugly and has low self esteem and is also fat! Mr. cool dude do pushups lose some weight and get some self esteem! Oh yeah.... GET A LIFE! FATTY!
WHoa!!! OK!! THats not me!!!
andy??? no maybe adam???
a thought: apples are oranges aside from the color, consistancy, size, shape, taste, and smell.
i now control this blog!! my enemies have lost control!! Ha ha ha. MMUUUOOOAAAHHHAAAHAAHAHAHhHAA!!!
get in position! antidisestablishmentarianists, AWAY!!!!
You piteous mortals. We are undefeatable!!!! you are like puny knats!!! eat peanut butter and die!!!
over and out
mortals, i shall help your cause.
(snicker snicker)
WHAT THE!!! MEN!!! A Spy has sneaked around our defenses! Indentify him/her... ASAP!!!
-Mortals Forever
AHHH!! HELP, our communications are in disarray!!
...SIR... I have confirmation on Subject. It appears we are working with a mental unstable victim... his fantasies of World Domination are but hallucinations!!!
...Sir, were still not sure of exact name of victim but I am fairly sure he is a Chinese Immigrant Sent over a Santa Clause...2-Years Back.
-Corprel Jordan,
Over and Out
HIllary!! Can you pay of the government and get control of the NUKelier Silos... It is a set I fear we must Take... if at all cost we will nuke this Blog...
please... a moment of silence...
.......NOW BLOW THEM UPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAH!!!!
...we have all the nukes.... hehehe
The War Department
you defy my honesty. DO NOT PROVOKE ME TO REVEAL YOUR TRUE IDENTITY AMPHIMORTAL!!! yesss...I can feel the tension like a wire around your throat...tightening...tightening...tightening.
What the... who is this terrorist!!! Qiuck, call the Nuke silos.... WE WILL FIND YOU!!! Do not allow him to hack our net!!! No one threatens us and lives!!!!!!!
PREPARE TO LOSE YOU Mental asylum Freak!!!
I repeat, I know your true identity, do not make me reveal it. every one will now who you are. you will be ruined. There wil be nothing left for you. There aren't even any other mortals. you're just kidding your self, like a child. I on the other hand have accomplices and spies EVERYWHERE. you cannot move an INCH without my knowing. antidisestablishmentarianists: consentrate all attention on mission amphimortal. I repeat, cosentrate all attention on mission amphimortal. You know who you are.....
Ahh HAA!!!
So you were at home last night at 8pm...
Therefor, I know you must be:
Option 1-Evan
Option 2-Levi
Option 3-Hillary Duff (Most Likely)
Hmmm... You will not discover me!!! I am Amaphi!!!
This is your final warning. I will reveal your true identity. I know who you are. My spies tell me that you writhe with agony in the search for my identity. They say that you are consumed with the search to the point of insanity. But you will NEVER find my name. Not if you search for 100 YEARS. Not in the term of your existence will you ever learn my true identity. But I know your name. And I know it well. For I have friends in high places. I have spies and accomplices everywhere. The first person you meet today could be one. Appologize for your rudeness, or you will be ruined. For I know who you are.
Sorry For Ruleing...
SOrry for Winning...
SOrry for dominating...
Sorry for schooling...
sorry for nuking you...
sorry for styling...
For being your Master!!!
P.S-Stop Threatining Me...JD!!!!
P.P.S-If you don't want to be discovered again don't say... "freinds in High places"
LOL - Burned!!!!
Now that we are in agreement, Levi says we can't fight anymore. BUT I STILL RULE ALL!!! BOW TO ME! WORSHIP ME!! ALL PRAISE -- (cough. cough.) nevermind.
thats what i thought :P
what? ummm...that's what you thought what?
All praise the idol proletarian mortal, ruler over all righteous blogs. We are here almighty one it was difficult deciphering your holy call for help, great master over all. These unfaithful sinners that neglect to worship you should parish, show no mercy eminent one, cease their distressing speeches.
OH Right!! MY QUEWE... thanks
Pleeease, the applause if deafening... cease... so i'm not sure of anyones identity but i'd like to thank...uhh, myself, and uhh... KILL THE SOCIALISTS!!!
(...I love my one liners, hehehe)
I am proud of the person that made the last blog it is all spelled correctly.
What yet another new blogger like fleas jumping on a dog!!!!
Whoa YEA!!! Nice resentment and tone... you'de make a good dictator...
Down with the Communist, american, SOVIETs!!!!
-parlentarian mortals rule!!!
No one, I say, no one will use MY NAME to represent THEIR thoughts.
I have snuck in from behind, caught the bandit red-handed, clipped him on the back of the head and reprimanded him severely for this broach of trust! Surely, such deceit will not be allowed on this trustworthy website, what say you all?
Down with identity thieves! Although I never had a sign in name before, I always signed my blogs either THE MOTHER or YOUR MOM, depending on the attitude I wanted to convey. Now, unbeknownst to me, a new sign-in name has come up as 'YOUR MOM'... of all the ghastly deeds!
But as I said before, I have caught the thief and cured him of this fault. Now that I have siezed the fortress and inhabited it... I am now 'YOUR MOM', or at least certain people's mom. I much prefer 'THE MOTHER' , but seeing that this is created I will accept it. Unless, of course, I change it! For now, as always,
YOUR MOM RULES!!!... wow this is so cheap, ok, mojo rules!
No, I Rule.
HEY, give it up... your aguments are weak and our team outnumbers you 6-1!!!
Anti-whatever...we should talk drums sometime!
Dear Reader, play my game... please...
RULES: I say word, next post says related word...
We will start with:
p.s-i'll expose your ident if you try anything...
what do you mean "talk drums"? by the, my argument is not weak, you just won't except it.
Umm like snare drum and others!! ! IVE STARTED A BAND!! WHAT NOW!!!!!
Heres another word that ralates:
Stop threatening or I will reveal all you identities.
imposter! you're not levi!
you figured it out but you can not figure me out
um...people did you miss my game...
ahh ha ha ha ha ha. ahh ha ha ha ha ha ha. ahh ha ha ha. ha. ah ha. :-) i think i know who bob is.
oh yeah...ummm: fight. fight to the death. rise against the mortals. fight!
.i'll eat sugar, its a more convenient way to die...
still... mortals rule
I will reveal you all unless you stop
ha! you can't possibly know me!
But I do
and quite well
yeah right! Unless you're Levi.
even if you are not Levi... YOU ARE KNOWN...
Anti got burned ow
heh heh. You think you're soooo smart. You think you now who I am. You probably fanisize who I am. But you don't know who I am.(mockongly patronizing tone)
AhHAAA... We have him now, he is shaking in fear!!!
Now bow or we will reveal your... umm... VOTING BALOT!!! Commie!!!!
...on a side note...anyone know if unckle armin still says commie??"??
just wondering-chao
fanatical small minded
-definition for antidisastablemetarist
umm...Somebody's trying to impersonate me. Please stop. Otherwise I will relinquish my rule on the blog terminally! Ha!
aggghh!!!! NNOOO!!!! someone is trying to impersonate me! stop fiend!! I am the real one!!! But at least I am important enough to be impersonated. :-)
ohhh, yeeaahh. better watch out. I might have to defenestrate you.
arrgghh! k comment.
Sat, December 8 -Someone tries to steal my Identity.
Sun-I kill you
ha ha ha you will bow to me soon now very soon now ha ha ha me he he he ha yes I know you anti and how to crush you for ever ha ha ha
next blog you write needs to have you say you are sorry for everything even for being born and I might let you live peacefully
so say sorry now
If this is amphimortal I am talking to, I will not apologize.
I ike ceez...
your dismissal of truth is blind faith.
wake up to your existence!
arrggg! My earthly possessions- aakk! can't breath.
never, never surrender.
stop it! stop...impersonating me.
what is going on... are you playing multiple people?
I'm confused.
levi, boot whoever is impersonating me. please i can't doing anything!
ahhaa! sooo, i have sent you into insanity! HAHAA
GIve up or die you fiendishly clever deamon! I rule.
Hey guys...
...did you miss me,
hows my election going, sorry I not here alot: I've been busy hacking washington database... ttyl
Medicine makes you ill,
Math makes me sad,
and theology makes one sinful.
-Martin Luther
nooooo this can't be happening! My world, mY WORLD!.ahhhh.
nooooo this can't be happening! My world, mY WORLD!.ahhhh
"can't breath...loosing conciseness... fading black... going..."
"Bring it home, take it in, bring... go home, take it back, give it up, let... let it go..."
ha yes finally
I told you to give up but you did not listen and now you must pay until death
yes destroy him master yes
ultimate pOWER!!!
My evil comrade and I have finally sent antiwhoever into insanity!
There was never hope... MORTALS RULE!!!
Away with the socialistic party.
Rise of parliamentarians.
Enter the new dawn of Liberty.
Commie. Do you not understand you are fighting a hopeless fight. This is no mere man you battle but a belief and will to ultimate domination! I rule.
go ninjas?...YEA KILLEM ALL!!! GO MORTALS@&#^$
Your Mom is 101....
who said that
hey man we do not say stuff like that
Why in the world are all you guys posting meaningless and downright stupid blogs!!!! They are worthless and we should just talk about SENSICAL THINGS!!!! 'Cause this blog is getting really dumb. Who's with me?
...Still listing....
Hehe, loser! you really are hopeless... If you want to be smart, the accept that the Mortals RULE!
....I will agree to be more uplifting though. Go Mortals! Yea Mortals are so cool,, yea mortals rule,,,
I like cheese...
Lets get 120 comments!
I like cheese...
Lets get 120 comments!
I like cheese...
Lets get 120 comments!
I like cheese...
Lets get 120 comments!
Evidently there appears civil war among thy americans!
Leave Britain alone... they havn't done anything, why can't you be nice!!!
*sigh* sad to see what this blog has become, levi. It WAS cool.
You imposter... you Depressionist! You bad man!
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