Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday ( End of first week)

Sorry about the long times between posts. It has been very busy up here since I got back with school and friends and late nights and early mornings and working out and eating out and church and bible studies and worship times and classes and meals and sleeping and most importantly, worrying about non-important things.

So, today was absolutely beautiful. About 55 degrees and blue sky with some wisps of cloud and a light breeze. I went to church this morning with Will Peterson, a friend of mine.

I am happy to be back although this quarter will be more difficult than the last because of the more complicated and larger workload.

I have to admit, part of the reason for not posting as often is that I am unsure of how many people look at this. So with that uncertainty in mind, I am hesitant to spend my rather limited amount of time writing to nobody. (well, yo get the idea)

Anyhow, enjoy this new year, the year of change. Not only is this a leap year, but it is an even year and the year of presidential elections with is always uncertain.
So in this coming year, here is a resolution for you.

"Don't vote late, in two thousand and eight."


Anonymous said...

i'm reading son! We had a really nice birthday party for JD Kilmer tonight. They all say hi to you.
Have a great week.


Dust and Dignity said...

Hey I read them!!!!!
What did you think of the church you went to?
I considered making some sarcastic comment about business, but I know it will come back to bite me as soon as my semester starts, so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. :D

Anonymous said...

I can too read!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading too, son! It is a wonderful way to keep in touch while you are away at college! What an improvement over the old days of snail mail and silence. Cec Chafin says she had to stand out in the cold and use a pay phone whenever she was desperate to talk with home. Otherwise she was on her own when she went to college. I like the new days! Keep on writing...
I hope you and Dad and Jordan can all get together this weekend. I will be sure to send up a care package with Jordan. Love Mother

Jordan Gamble said...

but its FATE,
Hillary wins 2008

Jordan Gamble said...

but its FATE,
Hillary wins 2008

Jordan Gamble said...

but its FATE,
Hillary wins 2008

Jordan Gamble said...

Once more for good, healthy measure!
Go Swarchenagger!!!

Jordan Gamble said...

but its FATE,
Hillary wins 2008