Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'm back at school now. Classes don't start 'til Monday, but I've gotten all my books and started my Econ homework, since that looks like a hard class - a quiz and a paper due every week! Since on top of that I'm sharing the textbook with someone... I figured I'd better get going. :) Right now, we're doing a conference thingy where various speakers come in to talk. This year's theme is discipleship, and the talks have been really good - last night's was about the fact that Christ is Lord means that Christians are His slaves, not saved to fulfill their dreams, but to live His will. One convicting question that I've started to think about since is this: How would the way I share the Gospel be different if I was clear in my own heart and in what I say that I am preaching a call to slavery? Ouch.... Anyways, I'm kinda ready for classes to start, but life is good.... and books are expensive.


Anonymous said...
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Perspicacious onlooker said...

Christ isn't calling anyone to slavery because slavery implies that a person has no choice, when followers of christ have nothing but choices.In fact we have more of a servitude or child-parent relationship with christ. You obey your parents and do what they ask not as a slave would do it but because you know they have your best interests at heart and that their plan for your life is better than the plan you have. This is why God is our heavenly Father and our Owner. Just something to ponder.

Perspicacious onlooker said...

Christ isn't calling anyone to slavery because slavery implies that a person has no choice, when followers of christ have nothing but choices.In fact we have more of a servitude or child-parent relationship with christ. You obey your parents and do what they ask not as a slave would do it but because you know they have your best interests at heart and that their plan for your life is better than the plan you have. This is why God is our heavenly Father and our Owner. Just something to ponder.