Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So what defines happiness? Where do the beginnings flow from?

I was thinking about this recently. (Well, to be honest, I have only been thinking about it since I began typing this blog. No! That is not true, I have been thinking along the same lines since yesterday’s church service.)

On Sunday, the pastor of this church I went to gave a sermon on loving the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and with all your mind. I was convicted during it and realized that even though I loved the Lord, there were things in my life that I was holding on to and not letting the Lord be apart of entirely. (Whoa! This is deep you might say. I would agree. Also, I don’t think I really want my whole spiritual life on the web for all to see. Who knows, one day I might be famous and write a book about it but if it were all on the web already then who would buy my book? Then I would starve and die and it would be the end.)

So, I had my first Chemistry lab today. I enjoyed it and it turns out I have a pretty good lab partner. He is a super senior (5th year student) and is double majoring in Psychology and Neuroscience. Compared to the chemistry class I had in high school with Mrs. K and Mr. G (no full names for security reasons) this course is not only easy but a very sad substitute. For the first week and a half, we have been discussing the factor label method. He is teaching us what were are doing, just how to plug and chug the numbers. Quite sad really. I just hope that the tests aren’t to difficult. This is more of a HS chem. class and I would definitely say that the one I took in HS was more like an upper division class here.

Psychology is not very enjoyable because the teacher just reads off a power point and it is boring. Also, right now all we are talking about is how gender has affected the history of psychology.

In calculus, we have begun to do derivatives. It is difficult but so much more interesting! All my math life has been learning the building blocks to higher math and now, we are doing something interesting. Finding slopes at exact points or the derivative of a graph, it is challenging but rewarding.

Oh! Dinner is calling. I missed lunch today because of classes so I am starving.
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)


Dust and Dignity said...

Sounds like that was a good sermon on Sunday. Looks like I'm not the only one frustrated that my high school courses were higher level than my college ones. :) Yay for derivatives!! Those are fun. :)

Anonymous said...

greetings to you Levi in thisnew year of 2008. I'm already late in reading all your blogs. I particularly liked your "try not to be late in 2008" and "don't vote late in 2008"....that message is a good one for me. It is special for us to hear about classes etc. We are going to a high school music program on Jan 19 and I can't be late for my 75th. oops didn't rhyme very well. G.&G. G.

MrsK said...

Hi Levi! you don't want to know how LONG it took me to find your blog!!! So you changed the name . . .and after many dead ends, i found a way to get here! :) It's nice to know that your HS Chem class will make your college one easy! Glad you're being challenged with God's truth! That should happen for all of us every Sun.! . . every day, even!
It was great to see you over break. Have a super 2nd Qtr!