Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sorry that is has been so long since I last posted. I have been very busy and have not really felt like writing anything.
So the last few weeks have been hectic. Griffin was up for about 5 days last week and that was great. We went to class, ate meals, went to a movie and a concert and he got to meet a lot of my friends. I had a great time with him and was able to have some really good talks with him. I would love to put up pictures but I diddnt take any. :(

The same day Griffin left, my friend Sean arrived here. He is staying up for a week during his Easter break and so we have another guest in our room. It is great fun but I am having a little trouble with getting enough time for school.

So I wrote this a few days ago and I just havent finished it so I will post this so that at least something is up.

Okay, maybe not since the website wont let me post right now.

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