Friday, April 17, 2009


Some of you may be confused or in doubt or maybe even a little nervous about this but that is okay. I am not asking you to embrace this but I am telling you all because it is Awesome and God is Awesome.
Last night started off for me around 6:15 when I went with a couple of friends to the Healing Rooms. It is a ministry that you can look up online if you are wondering since I will not be going into it now. It was wonderful and the people who prayed for me really ministered to some stuff in my life that was really weighing me down. I would love to talk to people about it but I am not going to write it down here as much of it was personal and between God and me.

At 9pm about 10 of us gathered in a classroom on campus and we had a prophesy party! That is right, a prophesy party. What do I mean by that...well, it started with Sean Edwards, my close friend giving a quick class or lesson on the purpose of prophesy, the difference between old testament prophesy and new covenant prophesy and a few of the techniques that peopel find helpful in hearing Gods voice as well as what to expect. Then he prayed over all of us and anointed us with the gift of prophesy. Then for the next 1.5 hours we practiced different ways of prophesying over each other. After that it was around midnight and so some people left but about 8 of us stayed and thats when it got crazy. We had one person sit in the middle of the circle and then everyone else prophesied over them. It was so much fun and so inspiring. I was up until around 1:30 last night and it was beautiful.
Now, let me just clarify some things. I am very new to prophesy and so am still learning quite a bit. I am not a proficient prophetic voice and I do not claim to be but there is a joy in my heart that is impossible to describe when I discern God's voice and see a glimpse of how Gods sees someone.
Some of you probably doubt or feel uncomfortable about this or may even be wondering what kind of group I have become involved with. That's okay. In the past year and a half my relationship with God seems like it has been on steroids and it is wonderful. I have seen such dramatic growth in my life, in my perception of God, how he interacts with us. Much of my theology has been questioned and has changed in such dramatic ways that I find it hard to describe. My perspectives are changing and I am more sensitive to the supernatural and it is so good. God is so good.
I am finding it hard to describe in words the emotions that I am wishing to convey. The peace and joy as well as the feelings of Gods overwhelming presence are beyond what I can express in words in such a short time.

There you go, that is what is going on in my life, at least very recently. I hope this finds you well and in good spirit. I am doing very well and God is providing for me in so many ways. I have never had a busier quarter than this one with all the non-school related things going on but by the grace of God I having time for everything and more. It is so strange how that works, God can alter least in such a way so that I can do more than I thought possible.


Anonymous said...

With all these new experiences in the Holy Spirit, just don't forget the importance of the steady study of the Word. The knowledge of His Word will keep you strong through the MANY ups and downs of life, even if the excitement wears off.

I love you,

Anonymous said...

Great to hear what's happening in your life! I agree with your mom, but I also know (and have experienced) the kind of working of the Holy Spirit you are talking about. It was in college and in a small group in Phx. back in the 80's when I experienced God's awesomeness in the work of the Holy Spirit. I have also learned over the years that we need to be careful that we keep the perspective on the purpose of the Holy Spirit - to comfort, to teach, to guide into all truth, to grow us in the fruit of the Spirit, AND to give power to be Christ's witnesses to the ends of the earth - for the Glory of His name. May He continue to empower you in all your endeavors!
Mrs. K.