Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wed, March 4th

Updates...two and a half weeks until witer quarter is over. I am excited to get a break but ext quarter will have pretty similar classes. I am planning on taking the last class in the physics serries as well as the second part of economics. Hopefully I can get into an engineering class, specifically Enginerring Statics. Classes are going well although I find that my Accounting class is very uninteresting and so it is difficult to do the work required for the class.

We (Bryce Mitchell, Dan Hancock and myself) went up skiing last Thursday at Mt. Baker and they had just had two feet of fresh snow. It was pretty amazing and it was once again sunny and blue skies.

Our Core is going well and yesterday we had a great time starting a study on the book of Galatians. Many of the guys are really getting interested and more involved and friendships are developing into this great support group.

Myself and 6 other people have been in the process of starting a full time prayer team ministries for CCF and last week was our first go at it. It started out really well and now each week we have a prayer team at CCF for after the service. We have prayed for quite a few people and it has been really great to see the positive effects its had on them.

That's about it from up here. Over spring break my tentative plan is to drive down to Redding California and spend a couple days with some friends there and then drive the rest of the way down to San Diego and spend a few days seeing people down there. Then, I will get in the car and drive back up to school for another great quarter at Western. A spring quarter at that so the skies will be blue and the weather warm. :)


Anonymous said...

i will be willing to do the drive north with you and then fly home.

What date is your break.


Anonymous said...

hi Levi, Always appreciate your updates and can never get tired of looking at your photos of skiing. Thanks again for your time and talent in allowing me to view your dad's photos. I think I will be in California when you are there--the third week of March--g randpa is there for the first 3 weeks..Love Grandma G

Anonymous said...

I just had to laugh at one of your typos in the first sentence, "two and a half weeks until witer quarter is over". I think you have definitely had a 'whiter' quarter and it is appropriately named. So much skiing! I guess Spring Break does not need a ski trip this year.

I like the picture you have posted as the main shot now the best. It makes me want to glide through the trees, fall into the soft snow and make angels, tromp back to the hill and glide softly down. It just looks sooooooo appealing! Blue skies, no wind, no storms, just perfection! Wow, how did you get that shot? Wish I were there...

We sure look forward to your spring break visit, for however many days we get you. Dad is considering letting you take the Audi back up to school as it has four wheel drive and heated seats... but haven't heard for certain yet.

ANyway, I hope you get your classes this quarter too. Kisses,

Jordan Gamble said...

Yes and Amen to all that! I couldn't say it any better... Infact I might as well just copy it:
I just had to laugh at one of your typos in the first sentence, "two and a half weeks until witer quarter is over". I think you have definitely had a 'whiter' quarter and it is appropriately named. So much skiing! I guess Spring Break does not need a ski trip this year.

I like the picture you have posted as the main shot now the best. It makes me want to glide through the trees, fall into the soft snow and make angels, tromp back to the hill and glide softly down. It just looks sooooooo appealing! Blue skies, no wind, no storms, just perfection! Wow, how did you get that shot? Wish I were there...

We sure look forward to your spring break visit, for however many days we get you. Dad is considering letting you take the Audi back up to school as it has four wheel drive and heated seats... but haven't heard for certain yet.

Oh, PS- I had to leave out the Kisses part but trust me... I'll find a way to show my affection some other way!

Troop 617 said...

Hey, aren't there any flowers blooming yet? Or is it still snowing?

Anonymous said...

yea whens the next photo show!?