Saturday, October 11, 2008

End of Week 3

It is sunny at 55 degrees out. It is beautiful. Our first intramural soccer game is today at 2:00. There are about 13 guys on the team and we play 11-11 soccer. It will be my first time ever playing in such a large game.
The week has been pretty good. Tuesday, and Thursday were pretty rough but I pulled through.

Last night I and 5 other guys from Edenson went on an adventure. We were looking for a fabled zip line that was somewhere up on Seahome hill. For an hour and a half we were tamping through waist high ferns in the bottom of gullies, with flashlights, looking for this place but we never found it. There were spider webs, and rotten logs and stinging nettles everywhere and it was hard to see them in the dark. At about 1:30am we stumbled upon a rope was amazing! The swing started right below this rock face and it swings out over the ravine. The ground dropped away really fast and on the far end of the swing you were over 40 ft in the air. It was so much fun. I got to bed around 2:00am last night but it was worth it.

Starting this next week life is going to get a lot harder. Next week we are starting one-on-one's with people so I wont have any free time and I have my first test on Friday for the Greek Mythology class. It is worth 25% of my grade so it is kind of important. Then, the next week I have Physics test worth 20% of the grade and then the day before Halloween I have to turn in my Perspective's book. That is a professionally bound and portfolio quality book with all my drawings and sketches for the first half of the quarter. So prayer for comprehension of material and an ability to work really quickly would be great.


Anonymous said...

Hi Levi, I sent a message last night but didn't get blue word correct, It's all most 80 here but the sun is on the meter..beautiful day . Naftali is doing the Chicago Marathon Sunday ,,starts at 8 am. Pray that he can finish before 12 cause it is suppose to be 80 at noon. Grandpa and Karen are there now to hopefully cheer for him. I'm glad you enjoyed the rope swing, it sounds terrifying to me! I trust you will have a good week with tests and all the other work. Love, Prayers, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hi Levi,
I'll be praying for you this week! Thanks for keeping us posted on what you're going through and learning. It's so neat to read about your faith walk and how God is working in and through you! Also glad to hear you are taking a bit of time out for "adventure." The rope swing reminds me of vacation a few years ago when JD & Mark used long vines hanging from trees in Arkansas to swing out over a "ravine." (More like a "ditch" compared to your 40ft in the air experience!)

May God give you a blessed week!
Mrs. K