Sunday, October 12, 2008


Okay, so tonight was pretty amazing. As some of you know, God has been growing me this year in trusting in Him. It has been very stressful and amazing at the same time.
So tonight we watched this movie and it was amazing. The message of the movie was so pertinent to me and I would recommend it to everyone. It is a christian movie about a high school football coach who is having problems with almost every aspect of his life and how he turns to God and God provides. Very emotional.

So, go watch, 'Facing the Giants'.
(and let me know what you think)


Dust and Dignity said...

I've never seen the movie, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

LAG said...

Oh my! You are sopposed to watch it and THEN let me know. Not tell me that you are happy about me liking it!

Dust and Dignity said...

My room # is different this year, and I don't know how to access the old voicemail... if you want to call, just call my cell and I'll call you back from my room phone... provided I'm not in class or something. Oh and I'm generally asleep by 9/9:30, so don't call after that unless you want me to be incoherent. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Levi, I liked the photo of you ...God surely does love us. I'll see if I can find 'Facing the giants".. I'm going to watch on pbs tonight" soldiers of conscience". will let you know about it. I don't think it is an easy one to see. Ed Mallet organized a wonderful concert on sunday...bells, choir, organ, tuba, all written to share the Psalms.. Some were ( the music) by local musicians. The bells were from Lansing ,..they played at our church in the morning.... awesome....Have a good week, Peace be with ;you, GG P.s. I don't think my message was sent ! so I'm sending it again. Naftali finished the race ...Grandpa and Karen watched