Saturday, October 4, 2008

End of Week 2

The end of my second week...highlights? Well, I got a sore throat on Thursday and now my entire nose is clogged and there is pressure in my ears as well as a painful throat. So that has been a bummer. Classes are going well although I have way more homework than expected. The drawing class has a super steep learning curve. I am already expected to draw city blocks, toasters and interiors of rooms with these different perspective views.

On the bright side, it has only rained for 3 days out of the last two weeks and today is marvelous. Blue sky and sunlight reflecting off the bay, with all the hillsides covered in green. Kind of hard to study. Also, my roommate, Jon, and I get along great with each other. It is very fun to be in my room when he is around. Talking, joking, discussing politics or movies. It is great.

Our first Core meeting was last Tuesday and it went pretty well. It kind of felt superficial but hopefully that will change. There were about 16 guys and all of them seemed to enjoy it. I haven't started one-on-one's with them yet so I still have a little free time.

That's all that comes to mind right now, so I hope this finds you well and enjoying life.


Dust and Dignity said...

Good to hear - all except the cold part. Weather here has been HOT! I wish it would rain.

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Our BSA blog just got shut down as 'Violated Terms of Service' and we have no idea why. Now we all have to sign in to see it. Do you know anything about this?
