Sunday, February 17, 2008


Today was beautiful! The weather at Baker was spectacular and skiing with Jesse was great fun. The trip up and back went safely other than the fact that I was ready to go to bed after skiing. It was so warm out, we had to stash our inner jackets and go without gloves at times. I am now very sore and tired and quite content.


Anonymous said...

looks perfect!! but it seems you have completly gone to the dark side and become a 'skier'. tisk tisk. well im glad you got to go up wih sombody this time... well any who have a great day buddy,


Anonymous said...

Hi Levi, What fantastic photos. I'm very happy that someone in the family can enjoy an d share thier skiing experience. Wow...Thank you. Also glad you got some sleep!! G.G.

Troop 617 said...

Hey Levi
A new blog is on the WWW! Check it out at

The whole scout troop is going to be posting, but only the SPL, Scoutmaster, Committee Chair and Outdoor Activities Coordinator will be allowed admin priviledges. It is turning out fun. Let us know if you have any ideas!!!!

Signed, The committee chair

ken said...

awesome pics. can i go with you next time?