Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yet another sunny weekend!

Skiing again! And guess what! It was sunny and warm yet the snow was perfect with an average base of about 8 feet.

Here is a picture of me and my dad with Mt. Shucksan in the background. In the lower left of the picture is the start of a natural half-pipe that we skiied quite a few times.

Mom spent the day in the lodge reading. The entire back of the lodge is glass looking out towards the slopes. She had a good day.
Levi, Arunas Oslapas and Dad in foreground...Mt. Baker in background.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi levi from grandpa g. glad you are out there on the slopes enjoying the snow while you can. should keep you in touch with reality - better than computer games! we have lots of snow here, so i get out on my cc skis aabout every other day, and go to the FSU gym most of the other days. we appreciate your blogs! thanks for all the good pics! grandpa g.