Monday, February 16, 2009


Whistler was beautiful! The sky was blue both days and the rugged beauty of the mountains was awe inspiring. I have seen mountains before and I have skied in beautiful places but never have I been in a place like this. We were in the mountains, surrounded by cliffs and gorges. The rocky peaks rose up right around us and the breathtaking beauty of it is indescribable and cannot be captured on film. Much of Whistler and Blackcomb mountain ski areas is above the tree line. There are these giant open expanses of snow and rock where you can see for miles upon miles. We skied the Blackcomb glacier, a 6.5 mile run, 2 of which were on the glacier itself, skiing down through the giant peaks on both sides. It was so glorious. I don't have words to describe it and the photos pale in comparison to the panoramic landscape that surrounded us.

Pictures are uploaded to my flickr account. See side bar for photo stream. Click it to link you to the page and click on the Whistler-Blackcomb set to see all the photos.


Anonymous said...

i so wish i was there!

Anonymous said...

WOW & WOW again your photos and descriptions were amazing . we were there when you were very young but I never ventured to those high places. Thanks.GG


Oops! I put my Whistler comments under the LAN party. I AM glad you are having such a great time, son!

Love Mom

MrsK said...

I got to go to Whistler once when we lived in WA. (23 yrs ago!) I remember the beauty and the cold . . . and the wonderful hot tubs . . . I think there was even a slide at the resort. Very fun. However, I did not have the privilege of skiing, and probably would not have been able to on the slopes you're describing, since I was a novice .. . (still am, but that's beside the point). I'll have to check out the photos.