Saturday, January 31, 2009

The last two weeks and future plans (condensed)

Last weekend was CCF winter camp and it was great. I was going nonstop but the mixture of fun activities, friends and all the sessions on biblical matters made it seem like to short a time. We played Tackle Ultimate Frisbee, ate meals, worshiped and learned. It was wonderful. I cant go into details on everything that happened or the different things I learned but there were some very powerful words that refocused and encouraged me in some very specific ways.

These last two weeks have been very busy and so I am now getting around to updating this blog. Sorry for the delay.

My midterms were this last week and then went very well but I still have a Physics midterm This coming Friday. Please pray for me. I am having difficulty comprehending the material and so prayer for comprehension and time to study would be most helpful. Also, I tend to get distracted more easily when trying to do homework.

Tonight was so fun. After last year at the Seattle Folk Life Festival I looked up the folk dancing group that met up in Bellingham. I never got around to going but then tonight I went. It was so much fun. I brought a friend from school along, Chris Fredly, who has never done contra dancing before and he really enjoyed it which made me enjoy it all the more. They had a ton of people, over 75, and there was quite an age range. It brought back memories of dancing back at home. I really had a great time. The next time I go, Chris and I are going to try and get more people to go with us. It will be sweet!

That is the quick update from up here. There are some big things happening and some large choices I am having to make.
For example, I have applied to be a Resident Advisor (RA) next year in the dorms. Those are the people who help to build community, plan events, enforce dorm policy, mediate roommate problems and help to keep the dorms running smoothly. It is a large time commitment, more so than being a CoreFa but I think the experience will be interesting and I will be able to bring a christian perspective as a RA. The downside is, less time to do other things and I would not be a Core leader. Also, would have lots of training and classes to attend and other stuff. What are your thoughts on this?
There are also a lot of activities that our core and other cores are doing in the next few weeks. Multi-Core studies, valentines day dinners with girls and guys cores, movie nights, and so on.

I am captain of an intramural dodge ball team and that is quite fun. There are 8 guys and we basically try to through he ball as hard as we can and smash the other team before they do it to us.
On Valentines day weekend, (Feb 13-15) myself and 3 other guys are driving up to Whistler-Blackcomb) Ski resort and going skiing for two days. We will drive up on Friday night, stay in a hostel and go skiing all of Saturday and Sunday then Drive back Sunday night. It is going to be Amazing! Whistler is the largest ski resort on the North American Continent!!!!

Anyway, that's whats happening up here. Leave comments, let me know what you think, what you want to hear more about and so on.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Thanks so much for this detailed synopsis of your life. We're so glad you enjoyed the folk dance group and will rally more friends to join you next time.
We'll remember you preparing for and taking the Physics exam.
In college, I was a song- and small group bible study leader with InterVarsity. Not exactly "Core", although I only have a vague sense of what core is. Charlotte seemed to like the RA experience for 2 yrs & may be good to ask directly. This phrase always stuck with me: "God is always calling us into areas where we feel uncomfortable; if we are comfortable, it's a sign we are not being obedient." Not that you couldn't grow more as a core leader, but I sense a calling toward being a RA. ~ AG