Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Oh my word! (wow, I havent been able to say that line for a long time)

So I have always heard that when you get into higher math you have problems that can take hours. Well, today, I spent 2 hours doing 2 questions. It took an entire hour to do just one question and I am not even sure if it is right and I definetly dont understand it. Sheesh! What do they expect, that I am made of time?


ken said...

what was the question??? Can you put it on the blog?

Anonymous said...

stalling for words... yes, interesting, but slightly unbeleavable! I mean, COME ON! It must have had mutiple questions.... Like:

Who was the ceasar of Rome?
a) In 1946
b) in 30bc
c) in 159ac
d) in 2509AD
e) who was the 1946s' adviser?
f) do you want to be like him?
g) are you dissipointed that hilliary lost?
h) would you say your YOUNGER brother acts that way?...
i) do you like cheeze?

In this example, (Found in my PreCal Review Test) I spent nearly 2hours when at first it appeared to be simple!!
Ha!... eh... I am now confused... any help?