Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Back

Hey everyone,
So school has started again and it is already hoppin! As some of my previous posts have explained I am a CoreFA in my dorm. That is a group of guys that meets weekly for a bible study and other fun stuff. So I am super busy meeting people and will try to post regularly.

Okay so as of now I am not in any of the classes I want and am on waiting lists for all of them. Classes start tomorrow and it is very stressful not knowing for sure what I am taking.

I hope that this year is great and if for some reason I pop into your mind when you have a chance shout out a prayer for me. I appreciate all the support you guys are giving and look forward to reading your comments.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Levi! Decided to check to see if you have anything posted yet this year. Looks like I had great timing! Great to hear that you are enjoying your leadership position in the dorm. Praying that all works out today in getting classes lined up. (Don't know if I'll "shout," but I think God can hear any way I pray. :) Have a fantastic start!
Mrs. K