Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter Camp

How do you describe with words an experience of the heart?

This past weekend has been…amazing, wonderful, difficult, enlightening, emotional, draining, uplifting and glorious. I know, you must be thinking how lame and undiscriptive is that Levi! Well, all I have to say to that is…it was!

Okay so some background to begin with,

Friday evening, we pack and leave WWU at 4:00pm. It takes about 4 hours to get to camp even though it is only a 2.5 hour drive. This incongruity in time was do to some serious misunderstandings in directions which led to many side tracks and tours of neighboring roads. After finally arriving at camp, we settled in for the night and had our first session. It was very powerful, discussing how we as Christians need to draw our identity from God not others.

The next morning, we were rudely awakened by our Core Leader Sean singing a song on his guitar about how it was morning and breakfast was in 3 minutes. After grumbling we made it to breakfast in time to miss the instructions. This led to us sitting in the wrong area and as such food service was slow.
The second session was one of the most captivating and insightful sermons I have ever heard. It was discussing intimacy with God through prayer.
After lunch we had free time and so being tough manly guys we decided to go play Tackle ultimate Frisbee.

Okay, so I need to clear up some things before I go on. Tackle Ultimate Frisbee (TUF) is just like ordinary UF but it is full contact. This means that…well you get the idea. It is rather dangerous when you jump up to grad a Frisbee and you get bowled over by a 200lb dude. There are of course rules to this game but they are not necessary to the story. To be fair, there are girls that play to and (most) people are considerate of how rough they are depending on the person.
SO we went to play TUF during the free time. Oh, did I tell you it was raining out and the temp was about 37 F. Oh, also I was sick. That’s right, stuffy nose, headache, sore and achy. I know, I know, it was a poor decision but how do you learn except the hard way?

So I was out playing this game, shiver and sweating at the same time, soaking wet and trying to avoid being taking down onto the muddy ground. About 15 minutes into the game, it began to snow. That’s right, white stuff, which means the temp was below 32 F. Anyway, after about 15 more minutes everybody was ready to quit and we all went back and took hot showers and then I went and took a 3 hour nap in the cabin.

This camp is a little different than the fall camp in that schools from all over Washington and North Idaho come together for the weekend.
The evening service was amazing and afterward there was over an hour of prayer time. We were all praying for each others needs but it was not like a normal group prayer time. This was amazing! Laying hands on each other dozens of groups each prayer for different things. People were mercilessly healed and you could feel the Holy Spirit at times. I had a prayer answered. Ben (a guy from my Core) who had prayed for me and then about 8 minutes later, a guy went to the front to say something that was on his heart and what he said was a direct answer to my prayer. It was amazing and incredibly powerful.

Today, we had our last session and then left for home. My car stopped at a Jesse’s house on the way back and his mom cooked us some amazing teriyaki chicken and rice. Delicious!

Over all it was a great time and very empowering. I would love to talk more but for two things. First off, some people will probably have already stopped reading this is so long and second, I have a chemistry test tomorrow that I have not studied for yet so I really have to do that.


Dust and Dignity said...

Wow Levi, that sounds like an awesome weekend! I will be praying for your chem test and hoping you talk more about the weeekend.

And... 1.5 hours extra? Wow! Trust a bunch of guys to get lost! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Did you know steven speilberg was a scout

How many times has the state of the union been "said"
dosquetrocinco times

ken said...

thanks for the post and the pictures. they are great

Anonymous said...

We love you, son! We feel so blessed that your 'secular' university experience is drawing you closer to God. Wow! What a twist! Praise God.

warm hugs and quick healing to you,
love Mother

Anonymous said...

Great to hear about your retreat and God's work in your life! I miss those kind of prayer times. I was once in a small group that emphasized praying like that. It was amazing to watch God at work as he spoke to our hearts and answered prayer.
God is so Good!
Hope you're feeling better and that your test went well!

Anonymous said...

yeah dude! we were like so out there yesterday! it was like wow. you look pretty chill in that photo. was that your core group or something. okay peace bro.

Anonymous said...

the other man said,
whoa, like dude, thats almost sounds california dude!
BUt I'm warning your washintonians... don't mess with our San Diego Dialect!

Hehe Vote Bush for third term!!!