Thursday, January 24, 2008

Busy, busy, busy! (Or maybe just not interested in leaving posts [Maybe due to no responses] hmmm?)

This week has been beautiful. The sky is bright blue and there is no wind. It is still really cold though. Without the clouds to insulate, the heat just vanishes. It has been around 28-34 degrees this past week and there are frozen puddles just sitting around being frozen while sitting in full sunlight. (I don’t think they realize that they are supposed to melt when sun hits them, very disobedient.)

Lets see, what interesting things have been happening lately. Oh, I know, last weekend Jordan and Dad were up here so that was stupendous! So far, it is the best weekend this year. Other than that, I have my first math test in about 30 minutes and I probably should be studying but I find the material pretty straight forward so it is tough studying stuff I feel I know. I guess I will see very soon. The last thing is that I woke up today with a terrible sore throat and it hasn’t gone away after I got going on the day.
It hit me very quickly and has made my day very uncomfortable. I skipped my weight lifting class this morning so I could sleep some more in the hopes of getting better.
Also, I almost overdosed on vitamins this morning so I am now peeing yellow.

My Psychology class is turning out to be strange. I feel like it is more of a history of the differences between male and female and so far I haven’t learned much new stuff except that there are a lot of people who did “significant” studies in this field and that I need to know there names for a test next Tuesday.

Tomorrow evening I am leaving with my CORE to go to winter camp south of Seattle. It should be a great time and I was really looking forward to it until I got sick this morning. Please pray for my health.

Ian and I are getting along quite well and I have very few qualms with my life up here at Western. God has blessed me so much; I can’t even begin to describe it with words. I have this incredible desire to be a blessing to others and to help people. At times I feel like bursting with this desire. I want the love of Christ to flow out of me and touch others. But it is not always like that, there are many times where I feel drained but over all I am loving life up here. My friends are multiplying and growing stronger and I am very happy. (Most of the time) So far there haven’t been any big tests or projects due and that could be part of my light spirit.

Well, I have to get to the test now, so “chow”!


Dust and Dignity said...

I hope your test went well - I'm sorry to hear you're sick. The psych class sounds um.... weird. Frozen puddles sound cool - we've had rain pretty steadily for several days; a ten-minute walk across campus just now left me soaked to the skin through four layers of clothing... I'm praying you get better! Have a great time with your CORE!

Anonymous said...

Yo my bro

Anonymous said...

One should be careful when implying that the reason for your inaction lies with others. The logical conclusion is that you are not accepting responsibility for your own actions (hmmmmm).

Peter said...

We were in Italy, and you don't even know how to spell Ciao!! Chow... jeez.. use Italian spell check or somthing.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing how the retreat was! Glad you get to do such things with a great group of friends in the Lord! I remember one of my best experiences in college was on a retreat weekend . . . so many great talks and challenges . . . awesome worship . . . and God even blessed me with a gift that showed his power and drew me closer to Him than I had ever been. :) Sweet memories. Praying God will give you some of the same!

Anonymous said...

im sorry bout the puddles... and about your ailment... and how hard school is at times... pretty much...
