Friday, November 20, 2009

Hard Core

The night started with heavy sleet, just above freezing temperatures and 14 Nash boys who were still wet behind the ears. The journey to manhood was a wet and cold one as those 14 boys prepared for the ordeal ahead of then. They crammed into two cars, 7 in each, 5 up front, two in the trunk and drove down to their destination. 8pm, Down on the boardwalk overlooking Bellingham bay they stripped down to their shorts. The freezing sleet and rain beat upon their unprotected bodies soaking them and rapidly lowering their body temperatures. They then clambered down the ramp to the edge of the dock and launched themselves into the bay. It was cold, very very cold. The temperature outside was about 36 F but that water felt even colder. The speed at which they were able to exit that water would stun even trained professionals and navy seals but then again it was cold and being cold has a way of motivating people in ways other things cannot. they shot out of the water, screaming and yelling at the top of their longs. The outside seemed warm compared to the water but then the brain freeze set in. They had never experienced such pain in their head before. It felt as if a vice made of both fire and ice were crushing their skulls between its jaws. As they hobbled back towards their clothes the ramp cut into their frozen feet causing some of them to begin to bleed. They made it back to their clothes and began to dry off. It was hard for them to move, their bodies were so frozen but now those boys are men and have shown their courage and strength. They can now call themselves a brotherhood.

After making it back to the cars they piled in and drove back to campus. Not to the dorms, no, that would be to simple, they drove to the rec center. They walked inside in soaking wet shorts and damp t-shirts while the rain poured and the wind howled outside. They went in and and went Hot Tubing! Oh yes, that is right, they lowered their chilled frozen bodies into that hot water and soaked, for a long time. It was a good night!

This is Nash Core, 2009-10 and this is what we do!
Nashites, the few, the Strong, the brave.

(sorry no pictures, to wet for cameras)