Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finals...Day 3

Yeeeeesssssssss! (Napoleon Dynamite style)

I got an A over all in Psychology so that means that I got over a 94% on the final...Ha!

Chemistry final was today and for some reason, I wasn’t nervous...maybe it has to do with the fact that I studied for 5 hours last night and then woke up this morning at 6:00am and studied for another hour. Anyway, I totally smoked that exam! It was straight forward and there were only about 3 questions I didn’t understand. Oh yeah!
Now I am done and free and doing laundry.


Anonymous said...

Doing laundry!!! I wasn't sure if that was done at college! :)

Glad to hear of your successes. You obviously are a great student and just care a lot about your grades. So congratulations.

Anonymous said...

smiles...I am happy for you and thankful for your study skills. Just listened to a good speech by Obama. I can send it when you have some time to read or listen to it. Love, peace, and Hope G.G.djjq

Anonymous said...

YES, we belive in CHANGE! Change my people, we will have change!
Ok, so yes I'm happy for you but at the same time sad... because you must have spent alot of time studying. Don't you feel like you lost that time? ...uh? I mean comeon! who likes read when you could be... uh, doing something more useful! VOTE FOR CHANGE!!!