Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Ultimate Viking Challenge (Day 1)

The Ultimate Viking Challenge (UVC) was last night. Teams of 4, two girls and two guys, compete in different challenges to be the Ultimate Vikings.
I did this competition with Sean Edwards, Kelsey Hinde and Anna Holt. It was really fun.
There are five events in the challenge, three on the first day and 2 on the second.

There is Power ball, a fast game where you try to run a ball and dunk it into a trashcan while 3 large football players try to knock you away from it with large pads. It was a blast.
The second event was The Joust, an inflatable jumping gym where you stand on a small circular section of the inflated thing and try to knock the other guy off with a giant padded quarter staff.
The last one was the Pull and Plunder, one on one tug of war in which you try to get to a rag that seems to be just out of reach.
Unfortunately, the person in charge of taking photos did a rather poor job and didn't get that many of the competition. Here are the ones he did get. Also, the second day is two weeks from now and includes an obstacle course and flipping an 800 pound tire.

Left to right,
1)Ben, Will, Chris, Jon, Brooks, DK
2)Levi, Mike, Sean
3)Brooks pulling and others
4) Nicole pulling, Jesse on left, then Sarah then Kelsey in black ninja suit and Sean on right
5)Group photo with multiple teams. Don't know everyone.


Anonymous said...

whos the blondie in the front?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

which one is anna and which is kelsey?

Anonymous said...

and which one is KAI!!?!?!!?!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ok! Enough heckling. Looks like a great time with a lot of laughs. Glad you are having such a great social life, son! It warms my heart to see you having fun. It also warms my heart to see your growth in academics... :)

Love mother